
Rest API Node.js with Express, Typescript, Tsoa - Boilerplate

Primary LanguageHTML

Rest API Node.js with Express, Typescript, Tsoa - Boilerplate

This boilerplate it's a example to use in another api's inside the Globalsys organization.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Node.js 12.x


To install dependencies of this project, do you need to run the yarn

$ yarn

*Duplicate the file .env.example with name .env and replace values to your convenience

Generate build files to create a swagger documentation

yarn build:all

If you have sucess the server node it's up in your localhost with env port.

Running the tests

This project using jest and supertest library.

To run your tests

$ yarn test

To run your tests and continue watch files

$ yarn test:watch

To generate coverage files

$ yarn test:coverage

Built With


  • Mikael Hadler - Initial work - Github


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details