- Clone template:
python3 -m venv venv
venv/bin/pip3 install cookiecutter
venv/bin/cookiecutter https://github.com/openstack-charmers/cinder-storage-backend-template
- Edit src/config.yaml
- In the file config.yaml add any options that should be configurable by the user. In most cases this is details for connecting to the storage array. Where appropriate the charm will pass these to the cinder principle charm for inclusion in cinder.conf.
- If the storage driver is to be installed from a ppa then uncomment the driver-* options, otherwise delete them.
- Update '_render_config' in src/charm.py*
The '_render_config' method of the charm controls configuration options that are sent to the principle cinder charm for inclusion in cinder.conf. For example:
If a 'superarray' driver was being configured in step 3 and superarray-username, superarray-password and superarray-hostname config options were added to config.yaml and the array needs driver XXX then 'cinder_configuration' might look like:
def _render_config(self, config, app_name):
volume_driver = 'cinder.volume.drivers.ARRAYVENDOR.iscsi.ARRAYISCSIDriver'
options = [
('volume_driver', volume_driver),
('username', config.get('superarray-username')),
('password', config.get('superarray-password')),
('hostname', config.get('superarray-hostname'))]
# Let the JSON machinery render the above array.
Which will result in the following section being added to cinder.conf:
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.ARRAYVENDOR.iscsi.ARRAYISCSIDriver
username = root
password = password
hostname =
- Update unit tests
Edit unit_tests/test_cinder* and update unit tests.
- Update functional tests
Update the bundles in tests/bundles/*yaml as needed and edit tests/tests_cinder_*py to add functional testing.
- Add basic zaza tests
- Add unit tests
- Add skeleton readme for generated charm