
A revamped version of the free GitHub Pages link shortener

Primary LanguagePython

Shortify 2

A revamped version of the free GitHub Pages link shortener Shortify.

Adding links

Add a link to the shortener by adding it to routes.yml, committing and pushing to main. This will trigger a GitHub workflow to build and deploy the new link automatically.

See Deploy for more details.

Dev setup

Clone the repo and cd into the directory. Then follow the steps below to set up a virtual environment and install the dependencies:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


For local development, you have to include .html after the link. For example the link to /python would be /python.html

Dev commands


Run build.py while inside the virtual environment.

python build.py


Deploying is easy, following the steps below:

  1. Add/update the routes in routes.yml with the format name: url for new links
  2. Add and commit the file to Git
  3. Push to main

GitHub Actions will take care of the rest, and deploy the new shortened links.


You can add/edit/delete links quickly by updating the routes.yml file in the GitHub UI. Committing to main will redeploy with your changes.