The most efficient JS implementation calculating the Levenshtein distance, i.e. the difference between two strings.
- 1
TypeScript support
#19 opened by Eghizio - 0
How to use it to search for a substring(or nearly it) in a large blob of text?
#21 opened by ishandutta2007 - 2
- 1
Optimize for long strings
#15 opened by janturon - 0
- 4
Improve Code Readability
#12 opened by philbarresi - 1
precomputing against a list of strings
#11 opened by mikob - 17
TypeScript typings
#7 opened by tech6hutch - 8
- 2
Case Insensitive Distance
#4 opened by warrenspe - 1
Increase compatibility
#2 opened by Eseperio