
A few simple C programs designed to be used for the TI-MSP430G2553 microcontroller in Code Composer Studio

Primary LanguageC

Embedded Systems

This repository is dedicated to C programs that are all usable in Code Composer Studio with a TI-MSP430G2553 microcontroller

Textbook reference (PDF Drive):

Programmable Microcontrollers with Applications (Unsalan, Gurhan) https://www.pdfdrive.com/deniz-programmable-microcontrollers-with-applications-msp430-launchpad-with-ccs-and-grace-e196719615.html


TI-MSP430G2553: https://www.ti.com/product/MSP430G2553

Software / IDE:

Code Composer Studio: https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/ccs_downloads.html

File Descriptions:

The integer at the start of the name of each file indicates the lab # that file belongs to.

    Configures the MSP430's Watchdog Timer (WDT) to enable an interrupt every 256ms.
    Every time the interrupt occurs, the red and green LED toggle.

    Configures the MSP430's Timer A module to generate a PWM
    PWM controls LED brightness with 10% duty cycle and 500ms period
    Configures Timer A module to generate a PWM using MSP's hardware.
    Uses MSP's internal pull-up resistor connected in parallel to Button (P1.3)

    This code captures the sensor analog data from a PCB-mounted photoresistor
    Then configures the MSP's Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) module to convert to digital data.
    Displays the digital data live to the Terminal, or a graph through UART

    This code captures the sensor analog data from both a PCB-mounted photoresistor & a potentiometer
    Then configures the MSP's Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) module to convert both to digital data.
    Displays the digital data live to the Terminal or a graph through UART
    Creates Windows Form application which produces a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to manage serial transmission
    Reads data serially from port 1 (COM6) at 19,200 bauds/s
    Expects to get data from two sensors and displays them in individual textbox on the GUI
    Transmits the data to ThingSpeak channel, which displays the data visually