- 1
- 0
Amazon Dataset
#45 opened by prejieunt - 1
When loading trained model
#32 opened by theheavystone - 0
A question
#44 opened by primising - 1
The L2 regularization
#39 opened by gzy02 - 0
- 0
#41 opened by wxy015513 - 0
recall and precision
#38 opened by zbt78 - 1
About Layer Weights αk
#33 opened by lbdbj - 2
BPR loss sigmoid vs softplus
#37 opened by YuZhang10 - 0
Adjacency graph taking too long to generate
#34 opened by nicksukie - 1
Hello, an issue about the forward function
#24 opened by Yukayo - 5
An error when running on amazon-book
#22 opened by xiransong - 3
Numpy not installed error when running
#31 opened by shahjaidev - 2
- 0
- 1
- 1
Hi,an issue about th hyper-parameter alpha
#23 opened by tbontbiaq - 1
- 1
#26 opened by liushifu12138 - 0
#27 opened by liushifu12138 - 0
- 1
Why didn't you directly modify the code on NGCF? I did so, but the result was not that ideal.
#19 opened by gongkaiqi - 0
Normalized coefficient pui during neighborhood aggregation operation is not symmetric normalization in NGCF as LightGCN.
#20 opened by gongkaiqi - 1
- 0
parameter description issue
#18 opened by hhmy27 - 2
- 2
The program report "Floating point exception (core dumped)" when run lightGCN on mine dataset
#12 opened by snooker-player - 3
- 1
- 1
Lack of validation data
#13 opened by weihua916 - 2
Looking for detail LastfM dataset
#11 opened by ZsZsZs25 - 1
- 2
Something wrong with 'amazon-book' dataset
#9 opened by KylinA1 - 1
error in function
#8 opened by alyxstraysa - 1
- 4
Statistics of the datasets
#5 opened by Book1996 - 1
could not find a version torch==1.4.0
#2 opened by gaoweiwei53 - 1
Graph creation is not scalable
#1 opened by fotol1