
Program for importing, parsing, reading, and searching for college sections utilizing multiple classes approach.

Primary LanguageJava


Program for importing, parsing, reading, and searching for college sections utilizing multiple classes approach.


  • Main: An executable class for the project itself. Creates a new course list, loads the sections into the course list from a .txt file, then prompts the user to search for a section through a Course Record Number (CRN).

  • Section: A class for creating sections. Each section object features properties of a section, such as the subject, credits offered, a unique CRN identifier, and more. Also included are optional getter and setter mutator methods for each property.

  • CourseList: The course list class serves to store sections (as Section objects) in an array and search through that array. First, this class features an array of type Section that stores the sections. There is also a count property that tracks the number of sections that are fed into the array.

    There are also two methods. loadSections() imports a given .txt file, parses the information, formats it, then prints it out. The second method, findCrn(), uses a simple linear search algorithm to loop through each Section object in the array and match that Section CRN property to a given user's CRN input they desire to see.