
Amazon Product Advertising API 5.0 wrapper for Python 💰

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Amazon Product Advertising API 5.0 wrapper for Python

A simple Python wrapper for the last version of the Amazon Product Advertising API. This module allows to get product information from Amazon using the official API in an easier way.

PyPI Python License Support Amazon API


  • Object oriented interface for simple usage.
  • Get information about a product through its ASIN or URL.
  • Get item variations or search for products on Amazon.
  • Get browse nodes information.
  • Get multiple results at once without the 10 items limitation from Amazon.
  • Configurable throttling to avoid requests exceptions.
  • Built-in serializer for Django REST framework.
  • Support for all available countries.
  • Reorganized product information structure for simple use.
  • Ask for new features through the issues section.
  • Join our Telegram group for support or development.


You can install or upgrade the module with:

pip install python-amazon-paapi --upgrade

If you get ModuleNotFoundError, try installing this:

pip install amightygirl.paapi5-python-sdk

Usage guide

Basic usage:

from amazon.paapi import AmazonAPI
product = amazon.get_product('B01N5IB20Q')

Get multiple product information:

product = amazon.get_products('B01N5IB20Q,B01F9G43WU')

Use URL insted of ASIN:

product = amazon.get_product('https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N5IB20Q')

Get product variations:

product = amazon.get_variations('B01N5IB20Q')

Search product:

product = amazon.search_products(item_count=25, keywords='speaker')

Get browse node information:

node = amazon.get_browsenodes(browse_nodes=browsenodes_list)

Get the ASIN from a URL:

from amazon.tools import get_asin
asin = get_asin('https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N5IB20Q')


Throttling value must be greater than 0 or False to disable it. This value throttles requests to a maximum of one request every 1 / value seconds. Note that this value is a per-worker throttling, so applications with multiple workers may make more requests per second. Throttling value is set by default to 0.8 or one request every 1.25 seconds.

amazon = AmazonAPI(KEY, SECRET, TAG, COUNTRY, throttling=0.5)  # Max one request every two seconds
amazon = AmazonAPI(KEY, SECRET, TAG, COUNTRY, throttling=False)  # Unlimited requests per second

Serializer for Django:

We provide a serializer for Django REST framework, which speeds up your API implementation.

from amazon.serializers import AmazonProductSerializer
from rest_framework import serializers

serialized_product = AmazonProductSerializer(product)

If you want to serialize a list of products:

serialized_products = AmazonProductSerializer(products, many=True)

For more information on how to work with serializers, check the documentation for Django REST framework.


Version 3.3.0
    - Added serializer class for Django REST framework.
    - Solved bugs and typos.

Version 3.2.0
    - Added new method for getting browse nodes information.
    - Removed the 10 pages limit on search_products and get_variations methods.
    - Solved unnecessary API call on search_products and get_variations methods.

Version 3.1.0
    - Added paapi5-python-sdk and removed amightygirl.paapi5-python-sdk.
    - Improved throttling and now possible to disable it.
    - Bug fixes.

Version 3.0.2
    - Changed to MIT License.

Version 3.0.1
    - Solved import bug.

Version 3.0.0
    - Added search_products and get_variations methods.
    - Removed Amazon API requests limit for all methods.
    - Created AmazonException for better exception handling.
    - Added asynchronous requests compatibility.
    - Added parent_ASIN to product instance.
    - Cleaned code for more consistent style.
    - Updated docstrings for all methods.
    - Updated project structure.

Version 2.1.1
    - Added get_product for single requests.

Version 2.1.0
    - Changed get_product method name to get_products.
    - Removed Amazon 10 products limitation.
    - Added type hints.
    - Solved bug with images exception.
    - Updated documentation.

Version 2.0.1
    - Improved exception handling.

Version 2.0.0
    - New structure for product info, adding all available information from the API.
    - Added raw_data with the information unparsed from the API.
    - Removed Amazon API version from package name to avoid changes in the future.

Version 1.0.0
    - Added support for getting multiple product information.
    - Added compatibiliy with Amazon URL search.
    - New function for getting the ASIN for a given URL.
    - Removed Amazon SDK and added as a requirement.
    - Updated docstrings.
    - Updated README with changelog, more examples and badges.

Version 0.1.1
    - Added currency support for prices.

Version 0.1.0
    -First release.


Copyright © 2020 Sergio Abad. See license for details.