
A Finite Element Method code for acoustics written for my undergraduate class "Métodos Numéricos em Acústica e Vibrações" by Dr. Paulo Mareze

Primary LanguagePython


A Finite Element Method (FEM) code for acoustics written for my undergraduate class "Métodos Numéricos em Acústica e Vibrações", lectured by Dr. Paulo Mareze.

Author: Luiz Augusto T. Ferraz Alvim

Co-Author: Dr. Paulo Mareze


numpy scipy gmsh meshio plotly matplotlib tqdm numba cloudpickle geneticalgorithm

How to Install on Windows

1) Download Miniconda 3 for your system. https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html

2) In Anaconda Prompt create a new env:

$conda create -n myenv python=3.8

$conda activate myenv

3) Install all dependencies:

$conda install git

$pip install numpy scipy gmsh meshio plotly matplotlib tqdm numba cloudpickle pymoo

$pip install more-itertools pytta git+https://github.com/rinaldipp/PyMKL mkl

$conda install seaborn

$conda install -c plotly plotly-orca

4) Install Femder:

$ git clone https://github.com/gutoalvim/femder.git

$ cd femder

$ python setup.py install

5) Install your IDE of choice, Jupyter Notebook is great to run this package and do your work in a organized fashion.

pip install jupyter notebook


Have fun doing acoustics, if you have any thoughts, issues, suggestions, let me know here on Git or send me an email (luiz.alvim@eac.ufsm.br)

Special thanks to my teacher Dr. Paulo Mareze, Dr. Eric Brandao and my friend Alexandre Piccini for guiding me to the FEM mountains.

I would also like to thank my great friend Rinaldi Petrolli.