
aka. VistaStorage - keeping track of sessiosn, cinemas and films. Will take care of loading, expiring and via adjusted polling frequencies.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT



Responsible for keeping track of sessiosn, cinemas and films. Will take care of loading, expiring and via adjusted polling frequencies - the nearer an event, the higher the frequency.

It's a prewarmed cache that tries to stay warm, basically.

TODO (known issues)

The whole on_chane callback and telemetry callback works are pretty simple and also duplicate functionality. The GenServers for films and cinemas are basically the same and just stripped-down version of the session server which incurs quite some code duplication.


cinemas  = VistaStorage.get_cinemas()
films    = VistaStorage.get_films()
sessions = VistaStorage.get_sessions()

The results will be same as in VistaClient.get_something/0 but you'll get an immediate response – that might be slightly out of date.

Registering to change events and setting the default update frequency

It's very simple: just configure on_change {module, function} tuples to be called on change. The default just sends update messages to IO.inspect/1.

config :vista_storage,
  client: VistaClient,
  sessions_server: %{
    ttl: 3600, # every hour
    on_change: {MyApplication.EventReceiver, :on_sessions_change},
  cinemas_server: %{
    ttl: 3600 * 24, # reload every day
    on_change: {MyApplication.EventReceiver, :on_cinemas_change},
  films_server: %{
    ttl: 3600, # once per hour
    on_change: {MyApplication.EventReceiver, :on_films_change},

Event formats

By example:

# sessions
{:removed_item, "<SESSION_ID>"} # <- this session has gone away, usually when play time is over
{:item, "<SESSION_ID>", seats_available = 42} # <- this session has 42 seats left (was different number before)
{:full_reload, :sessions} # <- all sessions have been reloaded and need updating

# films
{:full_reload, :films} # <- all films have been reloaded. Since films aren't changing every minute, full reloads shall do the trick for now

# cinemas
{:full_reload, :cinemas} # <- all cinemas have been reloaded. Since we don't open/close cinemas every day, expect this happen rarely.

Registering telemetry receiver function

config :vista_storage, log_telemetry_to: {MyApplication, :telemetry_execute}

This function must have an arity of 3 receiving these arguments:

  • list of atoms describing what happend
  • metrics
  • an empty list

list of possible call arguments to telemetry receiver

[[:storage, :sessions, :unchanged,   :done], %{id: "<SESSION_ID>"}] # <- updated session, nothing changed
[[:storage, :sessions, :updated,     :done], %{seats_available: 45, id: "<SESSION_ID>"}] # <- updated session, now having 45 seats left
[[:storage, :sessions, :removed,     :done], %{count: 19}, %{id: "<SESSION_ID>"}] # <- removed session, having 19 sessions left
[[:storage, :sessions, :full_reload, :done], %{count: 20}, %{}] # <- now having 20 sessions scheduled

[[:storage, :cinemas, :full_reload,  :done], %{count: 4}, %{}] # <- now having 4 cinmeas
[[:storage, :films,   :full_reload,  :done], %{count: 9}, %{}] # <- now having 9 films scheduled

The bigger difference to the on_change callbacks above is that :unchanged telemetry events will also appear.


The package can be installed by adding vista_storage to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:vista_storage, "~> 0.1.0"}