
Visualizations of the evolution of Netflix's content over the years using the D3 JavaScript library.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Evolution of Netflix's Content: A Narrative Visualization

This project visualizes the evolution of Netflix's content over the years. It is divided into three scenes, each focusing on a unique aspect of the content that Netflix has produced over time.

Scene Overview

  1. Content Growth: Movies and TV Shows added over the years

    This scene visualizes the growth in the quantity of content that Netflix has produced over time. It presents a timeline on the x-axis and the count of Movies and TV Shows on the y-axis. The user can explore the progression of Netflix's content production over the years and observe how their focus has shifted between Movies and TV shows.

  2. Netflix's Top Content Producing Countries: A Closer Look

    This scene shines a spotlight on the countries that produce the most content for Netflix. It offers a global distribution of Netflix's content production, with a particular emphasis on the United States and India. It showcases the significant growth in content production starting from 2016, reflecting Netflix's ambitious global expansion strategy.

  3. Content Distribution by Age Rating: Shifting the Focus

    This scene explores how Netflix's content distribution has evolved over time based on age ratings. The user can discover the shifting focus in their content strategy and the significant increase in content production for mature audiences.

Viewing the Project

You can view the project on GitHub Pages at the following URLs:


This project uses D3.js for data visualization and d3-annotation for adding annotations to the D3.js graphics.