
golang package with simple log symbols

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log symbols

Colored symbols for various log levels Includes fallbacks for Windows CMD which only supports a limited character set.


logsymbols on Linux


logsymbols on Windows


$ go get github.com/guumaster/logsymbols


Basic example

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println(logsymbols.Success, "Finished successfully!")
    fmt.Println(logsymbols.Error, "Something broke")

    // On good OSes:  ✔ Finished successfully!
    //                ✖ Something broke

    // On Windows:    √ Finished successfully!
    //                × Something broke

Forcing colors

logsymbols will autodetect if its not in TTY mode and remove all colors. You can force color output with this example:

    fmt.Println(logsymbols.Success, "Finished successfully!")

    // Terminal Output:  ✔ Finished successfully!
    // Redirected Output:       ^[[1;32m✔^[[0m Finished successfully!

Fallback Symbols

logsymbols will autodetect which OS is running and will change to the proper icons on Windows.

You also can get the fallback symbols with this example:

    fallback := logsymbols.FallbackSymbols()
    fmt.Println(fallback.Success, "Finished successfully!")

    // Output:  √ Finished successfully!

More examples

See example folder

Ported from npm version



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MIT license