This will be a simple *chan styled image board with heavily commented code when done. This seems like a fun simple project to learn how to build a full stack application with Haskell and Obelisk.
- Routes
- Database
- Backend
- barebones frontend
- watched and rewatched several hours of lectures on frp
- achieved total enlightened
- got it to compile and run, load threads on first visit, goes to a thread once you posted it.
- some basic css styling
- /p/x redirects to x's op if x is a comment
- comment box clear and thread refreshes after comment sent
- main page now renders the thread op and three last comments
- threads are ordered by last activity, bump works
- paging
- find out why linebreaks wont render
- check _postResponse_content for any ">"
- split Text into [Text] separating from > to linebreak
- the > Text will be rendered with a different class_
- check _postResponse_content for any ">"
- images
- scroll to bottom after comment
- link to comment with >>[id number]
- clean and comment up the code
- fix http response codes from backend
- make sql function work from migration CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getThreadPreviews(page INTEGER, count INTEGER) RETURNS SETOF posts AS $$ DECLARE op posts%rowtype; BEGIN FOR op IN SELECT * FROM posts WHERE posts.op is NULL ORDER BY posts.lastact desc OFFSET page LIMIT count LOOP RETURN NEXT op; RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM posts WHERE posts.op = ORDER BY posts.datetime desc LIMIT 3; END LOOP; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql: