
A repository for Redis Commands JSON schema

Redis Commands Schema

This is the schema for Redis' Commands JSON documents. It is based on the design proposed in "A better approach for COMMAND INFO for movablekeys commands #8324" and "Redis as the SSOT of its commands #9359".

This project contains the following directories:

  • schema: the JSON schema
  • commands: sample command JSONs

Development quickstart

  1. Install a JSON Schema Validator, e.g.:

    go get github.com/neilpa/yajsv
  2. Run a webserver from the schema directory, e.g.:

    cd schema
    python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
  3. Execute from the project's root:

    yajsv -s schema/commands.schema.json commands/*

Changes vis a vis the "specs"

  • history is an array of tuples -> ["since-version","change-description"]
  • Arguments can have an optional history


  • Extend command to describe its origin: core, 1st-party extension, 3rd-party module