
jruby wrapper for xlightweb

Primary LanguageRuby


a library wrapping the JAVA xlightweb jar

only GET and POST requests are supported at present

The top level interface has similar method signatures to rest-client https://github.com/archiloque/rest-client

Usage: irb example... using mongrel2 standard config

load 'jrxlightweb.rb' url = "http://localhost:6767/tests/sample.html"

#synchronous jruby-1.5.2 > p JrxlightWeb.get(url) time-sync: 6 ms "hi there\n" => nil


handler = lambda {|resp| puts resp.get_non_blocking_body.read_string_by_delimiter("\n")} th=[];6.times{th << Thread.new {JrxlightWeb.get(url,{},handler)}; th.each{|t| t.join}} time-lamb: 0 ms time-lamb: 1 ms hi there hi there time-lamb: 1 ms hi there time-lamb: 2 ms hi there time-lamb: 7 ms hi there time-lamb: 1 ms => 6 hi there

#proper async

require 'thread' q = Queue.new url = "http://some_service.org/some/api/logon" pl = {'login_id'=>'api_test@some_service.org','password'=>'afgafgafgadfg','answer'=>'aardvark'} th=[];6.times{th << Thread.new {JrxlightWeb.post(url,pl){|resp| body = resp.get_non_blocking_body; len = body.available; q << body.read_string_by_length(len) }}; th.each{|t| t.join}}
time-asyn: 1 ms time-asyn: 0 ms time-asyn: 0 ms time-asyn: 1 ms time-asyn: 0 ms time-asyn: 2 ms => 6 6.times{puts q.pop} {"status":"success","data":{"token":"aaabbbccc"}} {"status":"success","data":{"token":"aaabbbccc"}} {"status":"success","data":{"token":"aaabbbccc"}} {"status":"success","data":{"token":"aaabbbccc"}} {"status":"success","data":{"token":"aaabbbccc"}} {"status":"success","data":{"token":"aaabbbccc"}} => 6