
Let's install, understand sonarqube

Sonrqube is an open-source, java based code review tool which does:

  1. Bug tracking

  2. Vulnerability checks

  3. Indentify code smells

  4. Code coverage

  5. Identify Duplicate code

It runs on the port 9000 by default

4 GB RAM is recommended to run this so choose relevant EC2 instance

Insallation on EC2 instance

sudo apt update
sudo su
cd /opt
sudo apt install default-jre
java -version
wget https://binaries.sonarsource.com/Distribution/sonarqube/sonarqube-7.8.zip
unzip sonarqube-7.8.zip

It is worth noting that SonarQube server will not run with root user

useradd sonar

Configure sonar user without pwd in the suderos file by adding sonar ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Change ownership for sonar folder/directory:

chown -R sonar:sonar /opt/sonarqube-7.8/
chmod -R 775 /opt/sonarqube-7.8
su sonar

Goto bin/linux directory, run sonar server:

cd /opt/sonarqube-7.8/bin/linux-x86-64
sh sonar.sh start

Check sonar server status

sh sonar.sh status

The default port of sonar serve can be changed at ( conf/sonar.properties) like sonar.web.port=6000