
Launch DC/OS on DigitalOcean with Terraform and CoreOS.

Primary LanguageHCL


Terraform scripts for digitalocean.com, based on packet-terraform to launch a DC/OS cluster.

This repo holds Terraform scripts to create a

1, 3, or 5 master DCOS cluster on the digitalocean.com provider.

To use:

Clone or download repo: https://github.com/guydavis/dcos-terraform-digitalocean

Generate a DO Personal Access Token for Terraform and export in your shell as DO_PAT. https://cloud.digitalocean.com/settings/api/tokens

Generate a do-key keypair (with an empty passphrase):

ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ./do-key

Copy sample.terraform.tfvars to terraform.tfvars and insert your variables including SSH key fingerprint and DO access token.

By default, this will start four droplets (bootstrap, master, agent, and public agent). Increase *_count settings in terraform.tvars to try with more droplets. NOTE: You may need to increase your droplet limit to 10 on the Digital Ocean profile page.

First check with terraform plan

Then run with terraform apply

Theory of Operation:

This script will start the infrastructure machines (bootstrap and masters), then collect their IPs to build an installer package on the bootstrap machine with a static master list. All masters wait for an installation script to be generated on the localhost, then receive that script. This script, in turn, pings the bootstrap machine whilst waiting for the web server to come online and serve the install script itself.

When the install script is generated, the bootstrap completes and un-blocks the cadre of agent nodes, which are cut loose to provision metal and eventually install software.