
package.json comparison

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Greenkeeper badge

Dependency Status Code Climate

Compare the dependencies and devDependencies keys (sections) from two or more package.json files.


npm install packcomp -g


packcomp <package.json #1> <package.json #2> [<package.json #3>...]

If the version number is not identical or missing in one of the packages then it will be reported. If it is identical in all packages then it will be ignored and skipped (i.e. no output).

The package.json files can be relative paths to local files or URLs that will return a package.json object or a mixture of both.


packcomp . ../other-repo1 ../other-repo2

packcomp ../path/to/package/file/ https://<somedomain.com>/<some-path>/package.json

Example Output

Module         Repo #1   Repo #2   Repo #3
-------------  --------  --------  -----------------
console.table  ^0.4.0    missing   missing
debug          ^2.2.0    ^2.2.0    2.1.3
lodash         ^3.9.3    ^3.9.1    3.8.0
minimist       ^1.1.1    ^1.1.1    missing
randomstring   missing   ^1.0.5    missing
request        missing   ^2.55.0   missing
async          missing   missing   0.9.0
node-cache     missing   missing   2.1.1
redis          missing   missing   0.12.1

Module               Repo #1   Repo #2   Repo #3
-------------------  --------  --------  -----------------
eslint               ^0.22.1   ^0.21.1   ^0.20.0
chai                 missing   ^2.3.0    missing
istanbul             missing   ^0.3.13   ^0.3.13
mocha                missing   ^2.2.4    ^2.2.4
npm-update-outdated  missing   ^0.1.4    ^0.1.4
pre-commit           missing   ^1.0.6    ^1.0.6
sinon                missing   ^1.14.1   ^1.14.1  

Filter Example

packcomp -f 'n*' . ../other-repo1 ../other-repo2

Filtered Example Output

Module         Repo #1   Repo #2   Repo #3
-------------  --------  --------  -----------------
node-cache     missing   missing   2.1.1

Module               Repo #1   Repo #2   Repo #3
-------------------  --------  --------  -----------------
npm-update-outdated  missing   ^0.1.4    ^0.1.4

Pivot Example

packcomp --p . ../other-repo1 ../other-repo2

Pivot Example Output

Repo     console.table  debug   lodash  minimist
-------  -------------  ------  ------  --------
Repo #1  ^0.4.0         ^2.2.0  ^3.9.3  ^1.1.1
Repo #2  missing        ^2.2.0  ^3.9.1  ^1.1.1
Repo #3  missing        2.1.3   3.8.0   missing

Repo     eslint   chai     istanbul  mocha  
-------  -------  -------  --------  -------
Repo #1  ^0.22.1  missing  missing   missing
Repo #2  ^0.21.1  ^2.3.0   ^0.3.13   ^2.2.4
Repo #3  ^0.20.0  missing  ^0.3.13   ^2.2.4