
Team Name: Just Dance NAO

Image description

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation
NAO Planning Competition 2019

Getting Started

  1. Open the Command Prompt
  2. Change the directory to the project folder
  3. Launch the project by typing: just_dance_nao.py --port YourNAORobotPortNumber



Simone Gayed Said - simone.gayed@studio.unibo.it
Pietro Obbiso - pietro.obbiso@studio.unibo.it
Ramsiya Ramanathan - ramsiya.ramanathan@studio.unibo.it

Useful Links

Special Movements - https://funlab.nd.edu/the-nao-base/special-movements/
Spotify playlist - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3nBdD3CigeiexPsubKnCxb?si=BkxprH0FSWOMZ9PjHQ9bkA