
Continuous emoji deployment

Primary LanguageJavaScript


continuous emoji deployment


SLACK_SUBDOMAIN # the first part of domain <this>.slack.com


$ ./import

Getting a Slack Token

Open any signed in slack window, e.g. subdomain.slack.com/messages, right click anywhere > inspect element. Open the console and paste:

window.prompt("your api token is: ",/api_token: "(.*)"/.exec(document.body.innerHTML)[1])

You will be prompted with your api token! From what I can tell these last anywhere from a few days to indefinitely. Currently, user tokens follow the format: xoxs-(\w{12}|\w{10})-(\w{12}|\w{11})-\w{12}-\w{64}

Weechat autocompletion

Copy the existing file from ./weechat to your weechat config directory, most likely:

$ cp ./weechat/weemoji.json ~/.weechat/

To generate new autocomplete file, run the script in ./weechat. With the new file generated you can copy with the command above.

$ ./weechat/generate_json