
Dashboard Bootstrap implemented with sb-admin2, Ember, D3.js and other third-party libraries

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Dashboard Bootstrap implemented with Ember, D3.js and other third-party libraries

##Project Description Ember_Lance is not a demo. It is not a tutorial too. It is an application reference architecture based on Ember.js, D3.js and other pragmatic programming technologies. It has picked many mainstream frameworks and libraries carefully and update them with the times.

It uses npm, bower , grunt and maven to build and manage sources.

It focuses on the front-end side but it also provides back-end codes for front-end. Front-end uses API and Data of the back-end to display.

You can use it as your initial project and add/remove some frameworks for your project and libraries although this project has provided integration of many libraries.

I would appreciate it if you could add a link about Ember-Lance in your project and introduce it to your friends.

I welcome your comments and suggestions whether you are a programmer or a customer.

screenshot screenshot


you should install compass first. Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintenance of CSS. You should install node.js and npm. You should install bower and grunt.

Then you can git clone this project in your local environment and run if you only want to build and test front-end:

	npm install
	bower install
	grunt serve

If you want to build a war you can run:

	mvn package



  1. cubism: a D3 plugin for time series visualization
  2. ember-validations: Validations for Ember Objects
  3. addepar ember-widgets:A powerful and easy to use component library for Ember.js
  4. ember-animated-outlet: . Ember Animated Outlet is a plug'n'play module to support animated route transitions in Ember.js. Other similar frameworks are: https://github.com/ef4/ember-animation-demo and https://github.com/gigafied/ember-animate


create the first version with initial codes.

  1. yeoman: use yeoman to create an initial scaffold.
  2. sb-admin2: a dashboard template of bootstrap
  3. font-awesome: a font icon library
  4. Ember.js: A framework for creating ambitious web applications. Other similar frameworks are: Angular,Backbone, Knockout, CanJS
  5. Bootstrap: Actually Ember-Lance uses bootstrap-sass
  6. D3.js: Data-Driven Documents
  7. NVD3: Re-usable charts for d3.js. Other similar framework is : C3.js
  8. bs_for_ember: Bootstrap for Ember.js is a collection of UI components based on Twitter Bootstrap v3 for Ember.js
  9. metisMenu: Easy menu jQuery plugin for Twitter Bootstrap 3
  10. Others: npm, bower, grunt and their libraries



  1. why not add dropdown submenu at the top instead of left sidebar?

Submenus just don't have much of a place on the web right now, especially the mobile web. They will be removed with 3.0
