Collection of PowerShell functions that interface with ConnectWise's REST API service. This project is meant to target the latest general releases of PowerShell (i.e. PS v5.0) and ConnectWise.
###Functions Goal of the version of v1.0 was to create the minimum required PowerShell functions that is needed to properly create, read, update, and delete a ConnectWise ticket. While doing so, develop a core that will easly allow for future functions to be added.
######Service Module
0. Get-CWServiceTicket
0. New-CWServiceTicket
0. Update-CWServiceTicket
0. Remove-CWServiceTicket
0. Get-CWServiceBoard
0. Get-CWServiceBoardStatus
0. Get-CWServiceBoardType
0. Get-CWServicePriority
0. Get-CWServiceTicketNote
0. Add-CWServiceTicketNote
######Company Module
0. Get-CWCompany
0. Get-CWCompanyContact
- PowerShell 5.0
- ConnectWise Server v2015.3 or Newer
- CW Member's Public and Private API Key
- FQDN to the ConnectWise (API) Server
- On permise CW server and CW API server are the same.
- Cloud based CW server and CW API server are not the same.
##Import Module to PS Session
- Download or Clone this Repository
- Open PowerShell
- Import the Module (.psm1) within the
DirectoryImport-Module "...\PSConnectWise\PSConnectWise\PSConnectWise.psm1" -Force;
- Functions are Imported and Ready to Use
####Get ConnectWise Ticket
$Server = Get-CWConnectionInfo -Domain 'TechInUrPocket.example.com' -CompanyName 'TechInUrPocket' -PublicKey '...' -PrivateKey '...';`
Get-CWServiceTicket -ID 1234567 -Server $Server;
id : 1234567
summary : My Computer is Broken
recordType : ServiceTicket
board : @{id=1; name=BreakFix; _info=}
status : @{id=1; name=New; _info=}
See the Contributing Documentation
##Extra Information
- The pester Directory Stores the Unit Test Scripts
- See Readme
- Documented Architecture of the Dependent PS Classes
- It is not required to read or understand it to use PowerShell function.
- Its target is future contributors to this project.