
Example D3 force-directed graph project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

D3 Capital Cities Force-Directed Graph


This project is an example of using D3 to generate a force-directed graph


npm start

will start an HTTP server with the demo running.

Each node represents a country. Hovering over the node will give a tooltip with the country name.


You can build the project using:

$ npm run build

This will create dist/bundle.min.js which is a self-executing Javascript bundle which can be used in non-ES2015-compliant browsers. This is probably what you want to do upon release if you are writing a library for general use.

For a specific webapp, it is better to run:

$ npm run bundle

Which will create public/js/main.bundle.js. This means that all code and JSPM dependencies will be bundled into a single Javascript file which will be requested as soon as one of the dependencies is required. Once you have done this it will keep using this bundle. That means that any changes to the original source will not be reflected in the website, until you run npm run bundle again, or alternatively remove it with npm run clean.


Guy Griffiths