
Portal to the VIEWpoint catalogue, demonstrators and training materials

Primary LanguageTeX


This is the VIEWpoint-CSSP portal. It is a work-in-progress.

  • To do list includes (in no particular order and possibly incomplete):
    • translations where required
    • review all images and reduce physical size
    • continuing browser and responsiveness testing
    • final versions of PDFs, remove 'Draft's
    • video IDs, video resolution selector
    • add audiocast
    • proper page not found for invalid /page

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Serving on GitHub Pages

bash deploy.sh
  • Important Requires the gh-pages branch in the repo.
  • This does an npm run build and then commits and pushes to the gh-pages branch of the repo.
  • Don't forget to remove /dist from .gitignore before running.

Generating the Catalogue JSON from Zotero

The conversion routine has been written in Python and can be found in the python directory.

  • Ensure the VIEWpoint library in your Zotero desktop app is the latest version. If the latest version is the one on zotero.org, the desktop app needs to by synced with the web version first.

  • In the Zotero desktop app, select the Export Library... option from the File menu.

    • Use the BibLaTeX option and ensure the Character Encoding is Unicode (UTF-8). Leave the other checkbox options unchecked.
  • Check the filenames and paths are correct for the source .bib and the target .txt in convert_bib_to_json.py and run the program.

    • To show it's working, it echoes the expected number of entries, the entry IDs as they're being converted, and ends with a count of the converted entries - which should match the first number.
  • Move or copy the generated .txt file to this repo's /public directory if the path wasn't set explicitly.

    • Rename the file to catalogue.txt if required.
  • Don't forget to update the repo with these changes. Although it is not necessary to rebuild the website to update the Catalogue, it is important to keep the repo up-to-date in case someone ever needs to rebuild the website.

  • To update the website

    • Either just copy catalogue.txt into the root of the gh-pages branch of the repo
    • Or follow the instruction above to rebuild for serving on GitHub Pages.
    • Check the website to ensure the Catalogue has the expected number of entries. You may need to do a hard refresh (shift-F5), just in case the page has been cached in your browser.

Generating the Glossary from a spreadsheet

  • Remove any unnecessary rows and columns from the worksheet to leave a header row and the glossary rows. The column headers themselves can be anything but the expected columns are:

    • the term in English,
    • its definition in English,
    • the term translated into Chinese,
    • a fuller explanation in Chinese,
    • any comments, which can include URLs and Chinese characters.
  • Save the worksheet as a CSV file called glossary.csv in this repo's /public directory.

  • Don't forget to update the repo with the change. Although it is not necessary to rebuild the website to update the Glossary, it is important to keep the repo up-to-date in case someone ever needs to rebuild the website.

  • To update the website

    • Either just copy glossary.csv into the root of the gh-pages branch of the repo
    • Or follow the instruction above to rebuild for serving on GitHub Pages.
    • Check the website to ensure the Glossary has been updated. You may need to do a hard refresh (shift-F5), just in case the page has been cached in your browser.