
So this is just a repo, I store my solutions for problems from leetcode.com.

Binary Trees

0098 Validate Binary Search Tree
	-	Java Recursive
	-	Java Iterative
	-	Java Inorder

0099 Recover Binary Search Tree
	-	Java Recursive

0101 Symmetric tree
	-	Java Recursive
	-	Java Iterative
	-	C Recursive
	-	Python Iterative

0102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
	-	Python3 iterative

0103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
	-	Python3 iterative BFS w Deques

0104 Maximum depth of binary tree
	-	Java Iterative
	-	Java Recursive
	-	C Recursive
	-	Python Iterative

0105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
	-	Python3 recursive

0106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
	-	Python3 Recursive

0109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
	-	Recursive Python3

0110 Balanced Binary Tree
	-	Java Recursive
	-	C Recursive

0111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
	-	Java Recursive
	-	Java Iterative
	-	C Recursive

0112 Path Sum
	-	Java Iteration
	-	Java Recursive
	-	C Recursive Backtracking

0113 Path Sum II
	-	Java Recursive Backtracking

0116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
	-	Java Queues
	-	Java Two Ptrs

0117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
	-	Java Queues
	-	Java Two Ptrs

0124 Binary Tree Maximum path Sum
	-	Java Recursion

0226 Invert Binary Tree
	-	Java Recursive
	-	Java Iterative

0450 Delete Node in BST
	-	Java Recursive

0545 Boundary of Binary Tree
	-	Java Iterative / Recursive

0559 Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree
	-	Java Iterative
	-	Java Recursive

0700 Search in a Binary Search Tree
	-	Java Recursion
	-	Java Iterative

0701 Insert into a Binary Search Tree
	-	Java Recursive

0938 Range Sum of BST
	-	Java Recursive
	-	Java Iterative

1469 Find All The Lonely Nodes
	-	Java Recursive


0133 Clone Graph
	-	Java DFS

Number Manipulation

0001 Two Sum
	-	Java hashmap 1-pass

0002 Add Two Numbers
	-	Java Iterative
0007	Integer Reversal
	-	Java Digit Iteration
	-	Java String/Int Conversion

0009 Integer Palindrome
	-	Java Palindrome Check
	-	Java Integer Reversal
	-	Java Half Integer Reversal

0015 Three Sum
	-	Java hashmap

0045 Jump Game II
	-	Java Iteration
	-	Java Greedy

0066 Plus One
	-	Java Array Iteration
	-	Java Array Iteration Improved

0136 Single Number
	-	Java HashSet
	-	Java Xorin

0137 Single Number II
	-	Python3 Hashmap
	-	Python3 Xor/And/Not Solution

0179 Largest Number
	-	Java String Conversion / Comparison

0190 Java Bit Reversal
	-	Java Bit Reversal

0191 Number of 1 Bits
	-	Java Bit Iteration
	-	Java Anding Bit Manipulation

0258 Add Digits
	-	Java Digit Sumnations
	-	Java Mathematical Digital Root

0273 Integer to English Words
	-	Java Conversion

0295 Find Median from Data Stream
	-	Java Sorting

0412 Fizz Buzz
	-	Java Modding Iteration

0461 Hamming Distance
	-	Java Bit Anding

0476 Number Complement
	-	Java Bit Iteration

0868 Binary Gap
	-	Java Binary Anding

1133 Largest Unique Number
	-	Java Hashmap

1304 Find N Unique Integers Sum up to Zero
	-	Java Summation

String Manipulation

0003 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
	-	Java Sliding Window
	-	Java Sliding Window Optimized

0005 Longest Palindromic Substring
	-	Java Center Iteration

0008 atoi implementation
	-	Java Iterative Ascii Math

0014 Longest Common prefix
	-	Java String Iteration

0017 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
	-	Java Combination Construction
	-	Java Recursive Branching

0020 Valid Parenthesis
	-	Java Stack
	-	Java Stack Improved

0043 Multiply Strings
	-	Java "By Hand"

0044 Wildcard Matching
	-	Java Backtracking

0125 Valid Palindrome
	-	Java Two Indices

0139 Word Break
	-	Java Depth First Search w/ memorization

0151 Reverse Words in String
	-	Java Iterate through String
	-	Java Simple Solution
0205 Isomorphic Strings
	-	Java HashMaps and Array

0214 Shortest Palindrome
	-	Java Iterative
	-	Java Recursive

0228 Summary Ranges
	-	Java Iteration

0242 Valid Anagram
	-	Java Sorting

0340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters
	-	Java Sliding Window HashMap

0387 First Unique Character in a String
	-	Java Linear Pass Hashmap

0392 Is Subsquence
	-	Java Queue

0415 Add Strings
	-	Java Iterative String Concatenation
	-	Java Iterative StringBuilder

0443 String Compression
	-	Java Single Pass
	-	Java Two Indices

0468 Validate IP Address
	-	Python3 String Parsing

0557 Reverse Words in a String III
	-	Java String Iteration w StringBuilder

0680 Valid Palindrom II
	-	Java String Iteration

0692 Top K Frequent Words
	-	Java HashMap and MinHeap PriorityQueue

0722 Remove Comments
	-	Java String Iteration

0844 Backspace String Compare
	-	Java StringBuilder
	-	Java Two Indices

1044 Longest Duplicate Substring
	-	Java Hashmap
	-	Java Binary Search / Rolling Hash

1108 Defang IP
	-	Python3 split / join

1119 Remove Vowels from a String
	-	Java String iteration

1160 Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters
	-	Java Hashmaps

1239 Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters
	-	Java Recursion

1614 Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses
	-	Java Iteration

Grid problems

0048 Rotate Image
	-	Java Matrix Transpose / Row Reversal

0054 Spiral Matrix
	-	Java Grid iteration

0062 Unique Paths
	-	Java Dynamic Programming

0063 Unique Paths II
	-	Java Dynamic Programming

0073 Set Matrix Zeroes
	-	Java Iterative Queue

0074 Grids
	-	Double Binary Search

0079 Word Search
	-	Java Backtracking Depth-First Search

0085 Maximum Rectangle
	-	Java Dynammic Programming

0200 Number of Islands
	-	Java Depth First Search
	-	Java Breadth First Search

0239 Sliding Window Maximum
	-	Java Iterative Slide Window

0240 Search a 2D Matrix II
	-	Java Linear Search Recursion w/ Memorization

0329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix
	-	Java DFS w/ memorization

0348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe
	-	Java N^2
	-	Java Arrays

0419 Battleships in a Board
	-	Java HashSet

0560 Subarray Sum Equals K
	-	Java N
	-	Java N^2

0566 Reshape the Matrix
	-	Java Grid Iteration

0657 Robot Return to Origin
	-	Java Iteration w/ Switch Case

0832 Flipping an Image
	-	Java Iterate through 2D Array

0867 Transpose Matrix
	-	Java Deep Copy

0994 Rotting Oranges
	-	Java Breadth First Search

0999 Available Captures for Rook
	-	Java Grid Iteration


0026 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
	-	Java Two Indices

0027 Remove Element
	-	Java Double Pass
	-	Java Single Pass

0035 Search Insert Position
	-	Java Iterative Search
	-	Java Binary Search

0041 First Missing Positive
	-	Java int[] hashMap

0042 Trapping Rain Water
	-	Java Dynamic Programming

0053 Maximum Subarray
	-	Java Greedy Algorithm
	-	Java Dynamic Programming

0055 Jump Game
	-	Java Backtracking
	-	Java Dynamic Programming

0061 Rotate List
	-	Java Loop/Break

0088 Merge Sorted Array
	-	Java 3 Indices New Array Merge
	-	Java 3 Indices Backwards Merge

0121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
	-	Java Iteration
0122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
	-	Java Single Pass Profitable Ranges
	-	Java Single Pass Increase Sumnation

0123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
	-	Java Dynamic Programming
	-	Java One Pass

0128 Longest Consecutive Sequence
	-	Java Hashset Iteration

0134 Gas Station
	-	Java N^2
	-	Java One Pass

0162 Find Peak Element
	-	Java Iterative

0169 Majority Element
	-	Java HashMap Iterative
	-	Java Sorting

0189 Rotate Array
	-	Java Array
	-	Java Cycle Replacements

0209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum
	-	Java Iterative
	-	Java Two Pointers

0217 Contains Duplicate
	-	Python3 Hashmap
	-	Java Sorting
	-	Java HashSet

0219 Contains Duplicate II
	-	Java HashMap
	-	Java BST

0238 product of array except self
	-	Java Multi-Array Pass
	-	Java Array Optimize

0287 Find the Duplicate Number
	-	Java HashSet
	-	Java Sorting
	-	Java Turtle / Rabbit

0300 Longest Increasing Subsequence
	-	Java Recursion w/ memory

0389 Find the Difference
	-	Java Sorting

0349 Intersection of Two Arrays
	-	Java Hashsets

0442 Find All Duplicates in an Array
	-	Java Hashset
	-	Java Array Spot Marking

0561  Array Partition I
	-	Java Sorting

0567 String Permutation
	-	Java Array

0724 Find Pivot Index
	-	Java Three Pass
	-	Java Prefix Sum

0845 Longest Mountain in Array
	-	Java Two Pointers

0852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array
	-	Java Iteration

0896 Monotonic Array
	-	Java Iteration

0941 Valid Mountain Array
	-	Java Iterative

1051 Height Checker
	-	Java Sorting

1085 Sum of Digits in the Minimum Number
	-	Java Iterative

1103 Distribute Candies to People
	-	Java Iterative

1122 Relative Sort Array
	-	Java Hashmaps/Arraylist

1200 Minimum Absolute Difference
	-	Java Sorting/Adjacent Compares

1213 Intersection of Three Sorted Arrays
	-	Java HashSets

1313 Decompress Run-Length Encoded List
	-	Java Array Construction

1365 How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number
	-	Java Nested Loops

1413 Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum
	-	Java Iterative Find Min

1446 Consecutive Characters
	-	Java Iteration

1450 Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time
	-	Java Iteratrion

1480 Running Sum of 1d Array
	-	Java Linear Iteration

1550 Three Consecutive Odds
	-	Java Iteration

1652 Defuse the Bomb
	-	Java Iteration

Linked Lists

0019 Remove Nth Node from End of List
	-	Java Two Pass
	-	Java Single Pass

0021 Merge Two Sorted Lists
	-	Jave Iteration
	-	Java Recursion

0023 Merge k Sorted Lists
	-	Java List Head Insertion

0024 Swap Nodes in Pairs
	-	Java Iterative
	-	Java Recursive

0025 Reverse K elements of linked list
	-	Java Iteration Linked Lists

0083 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
	-	Java Iterate through List

0092 Reverse Linked List II
	-	Java Linked List Iteration

0138 Copy List with Random Pointer
	-	Python3 Recursive
	-	Python3 Iterative Memory Conservative
	-	Java Hashmap

0141 Linked List Cycle
	-	Python3 Hash Table Iteration
	-	Python3 "Circular" nodes
	-	Java HashSet

0142 Linked List Cycle II
	-	Python3 Hash Table Iteration
	-	Python3 "Circular" nodes
	-	Java HashSet

0143 Reorder List
	-	Python3 Iterative Solution
	-	Python3 List Manipulation
	-	Java Hashmap Two Ptrs

0160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists
	-	Java hashSet
	-	Java two ptrs

0203 Remove Linked List Elements
	-	Java Iterative
	-	Java Sentinel Node

0206 Reverse List
	-	Java Iterative
	-	Java Recursive

0234 Palindrome Linked List
	-	Java Stacks
	-	Java Two Pointers List Reversal

0237 Delete Node in a Linked List
	-	Java Node Shift

0328 Odd Even Linked List
	-	Java Setinel Nodes
	-	Java Linked List Iteration, Two Tails

0876 Middle of Linked Lists
	-	Java Linked List Iteration
	-	Java ArrayList

1290 Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer
	-	Java Linked List Iteration
	-	Java Math


0069 Sqrt(x)
	-	Java Linear Pass
	-	Java Binary Search

0204 Count Primes
	-	Java Sieve of Eratosthenes

0268 Missing Number
	-	Java Math (basic summation)
	-	Java Math Optimized (basic summation)

0445 Add Two Numbers II
	-	Java Linked List Reversal

0509 Fibonacci Number
	-	Java Recursion
	-	Java Iterative

1486 XOR Operation in an Array
	-	Java Iterative

1720 Decode XORed Array
	-	Java Iterative


0007 Reverse Integer
	-	Java Parse Int

0022 Generate Parentheses
	-	Java Backtracking

0046 Permutations
	-	Java Backtracking

0146 LRU Cache
	-	Java LinkedHashMap
	-	Python OrderedDict

0168 Excel Sheet Column Title
	-	Java Decode Digit

0252 Meeting Rooms
	-	Java HashSet
	-	Java Sorting

0278 First Bad Version
	-	Java Binary Search

0346 Moving Average from Data Stream
	-	Java ArrayList

0403 Frog Jump
	-	Java Backtracking
	-	Java hashMap & hashSet dynamic programming

0645 Set Mismatch
	-	Java HashSet & Summation

0771 Jewels and Stones
	-	Java HashMap

1436 Destination City
	-	Java hashSet


0232 Implement Queue using Stacks
	-	Java Two Stacks
	-	Java Two Stack Optimized


0033 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 
	-	Java Two Binary Searches

0034 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array 
	-	Java Binary Search

0075 Sort Colors 
	-	Java Two Pass Counting Sort
	-	Java One Pass Dutch National Flag Problem

0148 Sort List
	-	Java Bubble Sort

0215 Kth Largest Element in an Array 
	-	Java Sorting
	-	Java Minheap

0702 Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size 
	-	Java Binary Search Boundary Detection
	-	Java Binary Search Logarithmic Boundary Detection

0977 Squares of a Sorted Array 
	-	Java Sorting
	-	Java Two Pointers