
simple terminal / CLI / TUI tools in the style of unix

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Simple terminal tools in the spirit of unix

  • using stdin, stdout, error
  • composable with pipes/shell/pwsh
  • cross-platform
  • typically a small, single source file app

TLDR; quick start

  • Each sub-folder is a self-contained project.
  • Each project builds itself and places the results in ./bin

With dotnet 8.0 installed, run:\



  • diff-summary -- git diff master | <convert-to-vimgrep-quickfix-format>
  • watch -- watch a path, the spawn a command for each file change event
  • spipe aka "string pipe" -- a bunch of little string parsing/formatting functions stdin -> FUNC -> stdout
  • shim -- use environment variables to add hidden args xargs for env
  • vim -- shim vim <args> => nvim --clean <args>
  • quickfix-dotnet -- dotnet build -> find and convert errors into nvim quickfix format. dotnet build | quickfix-dotnet | nvim --

Extras: other tools (not build from this repo)

Ideas / TODO / Future work

  • Launcher: Run will additional flags (ProcessAffinity, ProcessPriority, Environment flags)
    • turtle runs and sets priority to lowest, single core. Although very easily done with a pwsh script. TODO: Add example script

History / Log

  • 2025-01-10 rework for linux. using ./dist/ for bins so dir names don't clash