Welcome to Unity-DuckHunt VR, a group project made in the academic field based on the classic retro game : Duck Hunt.
Useful scripts are located in Assets/Scripts/..
This repository has for objective of showcasing what could be achieve with a group of three individuals under a week. Some of the features presented here are obviously not mine and I won't take credit for them. A detail list of the features I worked on will follow.
Duck Hunt VR is working with the new Unity XR Input System.
NOTE : Scripts created by myself can be found here.
- Assets/Scripts/System/UI : All UI Scripts 👉 main UI script is label menuUI
- Assets/Scripts/System/Managers/ScoringSystem : Scoring System
- Assets/Scripts/System/Managers : GameMode
- Assets/Scripts/System/Managers : Round Management 👉 under the name createNewGameInstance
- Game Management
- Input System 👉 required a lot of research from all member in order to be knowledgeable enough to work in vr
- XR Input Manager
- XR Debugger
- Audio Management
- Round Management
- Game Mode Selection
- Scoring System
- UI Management
- Serialization
- Weapons Management 👉 *involved grabbing, manually changing mags, *
- Level Management / Design
- Spawner Management 👉 involved intanciating ducks during the length of a round OR targets depending on the gameMode
- UI Management 👉 involved doing some UI design, adding Timer in world space, creating a UI that could be reset to the headtracking position
- Audio Management
- Serialization 👉 involved doing serialization of score with the newtonsoft JSON serialization API
- Level management / Design 👉 involved displaying UI on in-world asset, Managing Reset Button for game Instance and select gameMode thru the checkbox selection of a in-game notepad
- Round Management 👉 under the name CreateNewGameInstance
- Game Mode Selection