Unity Touhou - Bullet Hell Game

Welcome to Unity-Touhou, a personnal project currently in the making. Useful scripts are located in Assets/Scripts/..

Getting Started

This repository has for objective of practicing Architectural Design Pattern, Memory Management / Optimization and prioritize Composition over Inheritance.



Game Mechanics and Features

  • Input System
  • Pattern Generation 👻 (early stage)
  • Collision System (thinking about using RTree to make access bullets depending on the area they are in and make things more efficient)
  • Player Mechanics
  • Movement Mechanics (need to implement more variation of pattern to follow for units)
  • UI Management
  • Bullet Management
  • Unit Management
  • Wave System (units can spawn from both side following either a linear progression OR a cubic bezier curve)
  • Audio Management

Design Pattern and Memory Optimization

  • Factory Pattern
  • Object Pooling
  • Batching
  • Strategy Pattern
  • Decorator Pattern
  • Observer Pattern (will have to implement an event system to trigger animation when limit scores are reach)


  • SQLite Database Handler (Manage the access to the database, allow for dynamic loading of data)


💬 References for patterns are given from : Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object‑Oriented Software