
Cloud Foundry v2 installer with Nise BOSH and Vagrant

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Cloud Foundry v2 Nise Installer

Devbox Installer with Nise BOSH and nise-bosh-vagrant

CF Nise Installer is a set of scripts that installs a Cloud Foundry v2 instance to your single machine or Vagrant VM. You can build your own 'devbox' quickly by running a single command with this installer. If the problem you get is certainly caused by this installer, please do not post to vcap-dev and use the issue page of this repository.

CF Nise Installer is based on cf-release by Pivotal, Nise BOSH by NTT Laboratory and nise-bosh-vagrant by Brian McClain.


When ask a question about Cloud Foundry build by this installer at vcap-dev, please describe that you are uing cf-nise-installer in your post. That makes isolating the problem and answering your question easier. If the problem you get is certainly caused by this installer, please do not post to vcap-dev and submit a issue to this repository.

This installer is mainly for testing installation with BOSH. If you just want to try Cloud Foundry, bosh-lite and cf-vagrant-installer may be a better solution for you.


You can add services to a CF instance created by this installer using cf_nise_installer_services. Currently only postgresql is available.

Building Devbox on Single Server

This section shows you how to install CF components to your server.

If you want to build a devbox on a Vagrant VM, skip this section and see the next section.


  • Ubuntu 10.04 64bit
    • Ubuntu 12.04 is not supported
    • Do NOT install RVM to avoid conflicting with RBenv
  • 8GB+ free HDD space
  • 4GB+ memory
    • m1.medium or larger instance is recommended on AWS

Installing Cloud Foundry Components

Run the commands below on your server:

sudo apt-get install curl
bash < <(curl -s -k -B https://raw.github.com/yudai/cf_nise_installer/${INSTALLER_BRANCH:-master}/local/bootstrap.sh)

The bootstrap.sh script installs everything needed for your devbox. This command may take a couple of hours at first run.

You need to restart your server once after the installation is completed.

Launching Processes

You can start the processes for your devbox by running the following command in the cf_nise_installer directory cloned by the bootstrap.sh script:


This command launches the Monit process and then start up all monit jobs installed by Nise BOSH.

You can also manually manage the processes with the Monit command:

# Start Monit
sudo /var/vcap/bosh/bin/monit
# Launch `all` processes
sudo /var/vcap/bosh/bin/monit start all
# See status
sudo /var/vcap/bosh/bin/monit status
sudo /var/vcap/bosh/bin/monit summary # shorter
# Stop `all` processes
sudo /var/vcap/bosh/bin/monit stop all

Confirm all the processes shown by monit summary indicate running. It takes a few minutes to initialize all processes.

Update Existing Devbox

To update your existing Devbox, you can use scripts in the local directory. You don't need to execute the bootstrap.sh script for this purpose.

  • clone_cf_release.sh
    • Clones cf-release repository
    • When the cf-release directory exists, does nothing.
  • launch_nise_bosh.sh
    • Executes Nise BOSH and update installation
  • postinstall.sh
    • Runs some commands to work the CF instance properly
    • Required to be executed after the launch_nise_bosh.sh
  • start_processes.sh
    • Invokes the Monit process and CF processes
  • register_service_tokens.sh
    • Registers required tokens for services
    • Required to be executed once after launching processes
  • install.sh
    • Runs the above scripts in order
    • Executes some additional tasks such as installing Ruby, Gems and Nise Bosh

When run these scrips, be sure your are in the cf_nise_installer directory, and not in local directory.

Notes for Updating Devbox

These scripts do not automatically update existing files in the working directory.

You need to delete the cf_nise_installer directory created by the bootstrap.sh script to apply changes on environment variables below and other modification in outer repositories such as cf-release. You are alwo able to manually edit files in the directory and run install.sh or each script required to install.

Environment Variables

You can customize your installation using environment variables.

Name Description Used in Default
INSTALLER_URL URI for cf_nise_installer bootstrap.sh https://github.com/yudai/cf_nise_installer.git
INSTALLER_BRANCH Branch/Revision for cf_nise_installer bootstrap.sh master
CF_RELEASE_URL URI for cf-release clone_cf_release.sh clone_cf_release.sh
CF_RELEASE_BRANCH Branch/Revision for cf-release clone_cf_release.sh master
CF_RELEASE_USE_HEAD Create a dev release with the head of the branch clone_cf_release.sh no (set yes to enable)
NISE_IP_ADDRESS IP address to bind CF components install.sh, register_service_tokens.sh Automatically detected using ip command
NISE_DOMAIN Domain name for the devbox launch_nise_bosh.sh nil (<ip_address>.xip.io)
NISE_PASSWORD Password for CF components install.sh, launch_nise_bosh.sh c1oudc0w
NISE_BOSH_REV Git revision specifier [note] of nise_bosh repo install.sh, launch_nise_bosh.sh nil (currently checked-out revision)

[note]: Do not use any relative revision specifier from HEAD (e.g. HEAD~, HEAD~10, HEAD^^). Please use an absolute revision specifier (e.g. 123abc, develop). You may use a relative revision specifier from an absolute revision specifier (e.g. master~~).

Build Devbox with Vagrant

You can create a devbox VM quickly with Vagrant and nise-bosh-vagrant.


  • Vagrant 1.2 or later
  • Ruby 1.9.3-p448 (Required by cf-release)
  • 8GB+ free HDD space
  • 4GB+ free memory

Launch Vagrant VM with CF components

Run the following command:

sudo apt-get install curl
bash < <(curl -s -k -B https://raw.github.com/yudai/cf_nise_installer/${INSTALLER_BRANCH:-master}/vagrant/bootstrap.sh)

Once the command is finished, you can target your devbox and push applications.

Updating Devbox

To update your existing devbox, you can use scripts in the vagrant directory.

  • clone_cf_release.sh
    • Clones cf-release repository
    • When the cf-release directory exists, does nothing.
  • launch_nise_bosh.sh
    • Launch a new Vagrant VM and executes Nise BOSH in the VM
    • Destroy the existing VM before running this script
  • postinstall.sh
    • Runs some commands to work the CF instance properly
    • Required to be executed after the launch_nise_bosh.sh
  • start_processes.sh
    • Invokes the Monit process and CF processes
  • register_service_tokens.sh
    • Registers required tokens for services
    • Required to be executed once after launching processes
  • install.sh
    • Runs the above scripts in order

When run these scripts, be sure your are in the cf_nise_installer directory, and not in vagrant directory.

You can destroy your existing VM and delete generated files with the following commands:

cd cf-release
vagrant destroy && rm -rf .nise-bosh-* Vagrantfile .vagrant

When you want to update CF components without rebuilding your VM itself, you can SSH into your VM and re-run the Nise BOSH.

cd cf-release
vagrant ssh
# in the VM

Notes for Updating Devbox

These scripts do not automatically update existing files in the working directory.

You need to delete the cf_nise_installer directory created by the bootstrap.sh script to apply changes on environment variables below and other modification in outer repositories such as cf-release. You are alwo able to manually edit files in the directory and run install.sh or each script required to install.

Environment Variables

You can customize your installation using environment variables.

Name Description Used in Default
INSTALLER_URL URI for cf_nise_installer bootstrap.sh https://github.com/yudai/cf_nise_installer.git
INSTALLER_BRANCH Branch/Revision for cf_nise_installer bootstrap.sh master
CF_RELEASE_URL URI for cf-release clone_cf_release.sh https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-release.git
CF_RELEASE_BRANCH Branch/Revision for cf-release clone_cf_release.sh master
CF_RELEASE_USE_HEAD Create a dev release with the head of the branch clone_cf_release.sh no (set yes to enable)
NISE_IP_ADDRESS IP address for the VM. When this variable is set, the attached network will be bridged launch_nise_bosh.sh, register_service_tokens.sh nil (, not bridged)
VAGRANT_MEMORY Memory size for the VM launch_nise_bosh.sh 4096
NISE_DOMAIN Domain name for the devbox launch_nise_bosh.sh nil (<ip_address>.xip.io)
NISE_PASSWORD Password for CF components install.sh, launch_nise_bosh.sh c1oudc0w

Playing with installed Devbox

You can target and login to your installed devbox using following values:

Target URI api.<IP Address>.xip.io api.
Admin User admin <-
Admin Password c1oudc0w <-

When you installed your devbox with Vagrant, you can access your devbox only from the host machine that runs the VM.

'xip.io' is a DNS service provided by 37signals that returns the IP address specified in the subdomain of FQDNs.

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