
Set your pidgin status from your twitter feed

Primary LanguagePerl


How to install pidgin-twitter-status



Pidgin, Perl and the following two Perl modules, which you may have to install manually:

    * XML::RSS
    * LWP::Simple 

Is Pidgin Perl enabled?

In Pidgin, navigate to Help->About and find Perl: Enabled If Perl is not enabled, you may have to install Perl and then re-install Pidgin.
Install XML::RSS and LWP::Simple

This depends on your operating system, but could be as simple as

# cpan XML::RSS
# cpan LWP::Simple

If your OS or Perl installation uses a package system it's recommended you install the modules using that, if possible.

Install pidgin-twitter-status


Copy twitter-status.pl to your pidgin plugins directory. Usually C:\Documents and Settings\




Copy twitter-status.pl to your pidgin plugins directory Usually ~/.purple/plugins/


Pidgin is not available for Mac OS, but this plugin may work with Adium. I don't know, as I don't have regular access to a Mac. YMMV...
Enable pidgin-twitter-status

Using Pidgin, navigate to Tools -> Plugins and find Twitter Status. Enable it, and click the Configure Plugin button to open the plugin configuration dialog. Enter your Twitter RSS user feed (http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.rss?screen_name=username), configure other options, and click Close.