Dynamic Restful ExpressJS And MongoDB Service


This is a REST API server built using ExpressJS and MongoDB. It has dynamic endpoints, e.g. POST /item will create a MongoDB collection called item and insert the posted body into the collection. The stored "item" can then be retreived by GET /item.

Get started

Install NodeJS and MongoDB.

git clone <this repo>

cd <repo folder>

npm install

npm start

You'll now have a dynamic REST API listening on port 3232 (or the port provided via PORT env variable).


NOTE <resource> and <relatedResource> below should be a resource name in singular and dasherized, e.g. "user" or "continuous-integration". <id> should be a 24 character long hexadecimal string, i.e. a MongoDB ObjectID string.

POST /_hook/<endpoint>

Can and should be used as a GitHub push webhook to automatically add a repo to the build queue used by flaming-computing-machine.

NOTE Your repo must have a Dockerfile in its root folder! Also it listens only for master branch pushes.


201 - The repo was added to the build queue

204 - Push received but ignored (e.g. push to other branch than master)

500 - Something went wrong when querying the database.

POST /_indices/<resource>

Adds indice/s to <resource>.

Expects the indices to be added in the body:

field: 1
field2: -1 

1 means asc and -1 desc.

Be aware that this uses alot of extra memory, use only when you know what you are doing.


201 - The indice/s was added to the <resource>.

400 - The JSON body was omitted when the request was made.

500 - Something went wrong when querying the database.

DELETE /_indices/<resource>

Will remove all indices on <resource>.


204 - The indices were removed from the <resource> collection.

500 - Something went wrong when querying the database. Indices are not removed.

GET /<resource>[?query...]

Get all items of a given <resource>.


  • sort=name,-create_at // - will sort desc, otherwise asc
  • limit=10 // or any specific number
  • skip=5 // or any specific number.


200 - An array with all, or no, items in the <resource> collection, optionally filtered by provided query parameters.

500 - Something went wrong when querying the database.

GET /<resource>/<id>

Get a resource item by its id.


200 - The item with id <id> in the <resource> collection.

404 - No item with id <id> was found in the collection.

500 - Something went wrong when querying the database.

POST /<resource>

Create a new item for a resource.


200 - The given JSON body was saved to the <resource> collection and returned in the response.

400 - The JSON body was omitted when the request was made.

500 - The item could not be saved.

PUT /<resource>/<id>

Update a specific item by id in a resource collection.


204 - The given JSON body was used to replace the old item with id <id> in the <resource> collection.

400 - The JSON body was omitted when the request was made.

500 - The item could not be saved.

DELETE /<resource>/<id>

Delete a specific item by id in a resource collection.


204 - The item with id <id> was removed from the <resource> collection.

404 - The item with id <id> was not found in the <resource> collection.

500 - The item could not be removed.

GET /<resource>/<id>/<relatedResource>[?query...]

Get all related items of a given type for a specific item in a collection.


  • sort=name,-create_at // - will sort desc, otherwise asc
  • limit=10 // or any specific number
  • skip=5 // or any specific number.


200 - An array with all, or no, items in the <relatedResource> collection which belongs to the item with id <id> in the <resource> collection, optionally filtered by provided query parameters.

500 - Something went wrong when querying the database.

POST /<resource>/<id>/<relatedResource>

Create and connect a related item of a given type for a specific item in a collection.


200 - The given JSON body was saved to the <relatedResource> collection, connected to item with id <id> in the <resource> collection and returned in the response.

400 - The JSON body was omitted when the request was made.

500 - The item could not be saved.

GET /_collection

Get all collection names.


200 - An array with all, or no, collection names in the database.

500 - Something went wrong when querying the database.

GET /_collection/<resource>

Get statistics and calculated document schema for a given resource.


200 - An object with collection name, item count and calculated document schema for the given resource.

500 - Something went wrong when querying the database.
