Local API for development of XYZ

It will start a local REST Api running on localhost:3232/api/.

Documentation about the REST API can be found at https://github.com/Softhouse/laughing-batman


  1. Clone this repo.

    $ git clone https://github.com/guzmo/xyz-docker-dev-api.git
  2. Inside your local repository you need to create a file called github_secret.env.

    • The API uses this in production so it is needed here as well. Secret can be anything during development. This file should only contain one row which is:
  3. Start docker deamon.

    $ sudo docker -d 
  4. Run docker-comepose.sh

    $ ./docker-compose.sh
  5. Start docker

    $ sudo docker-compose up


To use this local api you need to follow these steps (assuming windows):

  1. Install msysGit https://msysgit.github.io/

  2. Install VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org

  3. Install Vagrant https://www.vagrantup.com/

    • If you get MissingInterpolationArgument when you run vagrant up you should try to install vagrant as written in section: Vagrant-the-special-way
  4. Clone this repo

    $ git clone https://github.com/guzmo/xyz-docker-dev-api.git

Inside your local repository you need to create a file called github_secret.env. The API uses this in production so it is needed here as well. Secret can be anything during development.

This file should only contain one row which is


If you have followed the above steps you should now be able to go to your folder where you cloned this repo and execute:

vagrant up

This will take a long time. When it is done you can look in your VirtualBoxManager and you should see a new box popup.

Test your setup

All done, you should now be able to reach the API in a browser or with curl on:


And the MongoDb instance that keeps all the data can be reached at localhost:27017 (Try going there with a web browser and you should see "It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.")


  1. Install Ruby http://rubyinstaller.org

    • Check "Add Ruby executables to your PATH"
    • You can also check the other two options if you want, but it is not needed.
  2. Install Ruby Devkit http://rubyinstaller.org/

    • Extract to some permanent location. I chose c:/Ruby22-x64/DevKit
    $ cd /c/Ruby22-x64/DevKit/
    $ ruby dk.rb init
    $ ruby dk.rb install
  3. Install patched version of wdm

    $ git clone https://github.com/lowjoel/wdm
    $ cd wdm
    $ gem build wdm.gemspec
    $ gem install wdm-0.1.0.gem
  4. Install Vagrant

    $ git clone https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant.git
    $ cd vagrant
    $ gem install bundler -v 1.7.13
    $ bundle install
    $ rake install


Something goes wrong when you use vagrant up:

Use vagrant destroy to remove everything and then do vagrant up again.

Error when docker containers are starting?

Enter the Vagrant box by using the command vagrant ssh in the same folder as the Vagrantfile. When inside:

cd /vagrant
docker-compose up

This should recreate the boxes and hopefully work.


If you get MissingInterpolationArgument when you run vagrant up you should try to install vagrant as written in section: Vagrant the special way

Other known errors

If you get this error below:

==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it
to boot. Valid states are 'starting, running'. The machine is in the
'poweroff' state. Please verify everything is configured
properly and try again.

or if you get timeout or ssh problems to the box, the cause may be Virtualizaion(VT-x) being turned off in the BIOS.