
Various UI widgets/components not part of Shiny e.g. alerts, styled buttons

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Various UI widgets/components used by AnalytixWare's flaghship product e.g. alerts, styled buttons

alt text


if (require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")#if not alrady installed



##Action Buttons

actionButton(inputId, label, styleclass = yourStyle)

Specify the style with the styleclass argument. The possible styles are "primary", "info", "success", "warning", "danger", "inverse", "link", ""



shinyalert(id, click.hide = TRUE, auto.close.after = NULL)

In the past clicking on the alert will hide it. Setting click.hide = FALSE can prevent this behaviour The auto.close.after can take a number and will close the alert after this many seconds.

Simply provide an id. The alert will be hidden until you show it using showshinyalert in server.R



Put some valid HTML in HTMLtext. Here you can specify the style you want using the styleclass parameter. The possible styles are "primary", "info", "success", "warning", "danger", "inverse", "link", ""

##Select2 The below will create a multiple select2 with "a", "b", "c" as choices

select2Input("select2Input1","This is a multiple select2Input",choices=c("a","b","c"),selected=c("b","a"))

###Video Demo Video Demo

##Typeahead Text Input

    ,placeholder="type 'name' or '2'"
    ,valueKey = "name"
    ,template = HTML("<p class='repo-language'>{{info}}</p> <p class='repo-name'>{{name}}</p> <p class='repo-description'>You need to learn more CSS to customize this further</p>")

##Busy Indicator ###ui.R

busyIndicator(wait = 1000)

Here the wait determines how long to wait before showing the buys indicator. The default is wait=1000, which is one second. This is to prevent short computation triggering the busyIndicator.

##Events Buttons

eventsButton(inputId, label, events = c("dblclick"))

This button will invalidate (dirty) upon the events. The event does not have to be a "click", in fact the default is dblclick. You can specify multiple events. For a list of event types See: http://api.jquery.com/category/events/mouse-events/

#Handsontable Input/Output ###ui.R


This will create a handsontable which you can output using

output$hotable1 <- renderHotable({...})


something <- reactive({
	hot.to.df(input$hotable1) # this will convert your input into a data.frame