Spark in Action book repository

Current edition: Manning Early Access Program (MEAP)

The MEAP publishing date is 2015.04.04.
Manning's book forum:

The repo contains book listings organized by programming language (if applicable) and chapter:

  ├── scala
  │    ├── ch02-listings.scala
  │    ├── ch03-listings.scala
  │    └── ...
  ├── java
  ├── python
  ├── chapter-01
  ├── chapter-02
  │    └──
  ├── chapter-03
  │    ├── eclipse.ini
  │    └── ...
  ├── ...

We tried to organize the listings so that you have minimum distractions while going through the book.
We hope you'll find the content useful and that you'll have fun reading the book and going through examples.

As part of Manning's "in action" series, it's a hands-on, tutorial-style book.

Thank you
Marko Bonaći and Petar Zečević