
rapid form development using angular 4 + and bootstrap v4---angular 表单快速开发模块,基于bootstrap 4 ui

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Easy to use,Flexible,Simple,Powerful Angular 4+ module with Bootstrap v4 ui for Rapid Form Development;

Demo screenShot:



pic2:Use Bootstrap 4 Grid


Table of Contents






demo repository


$ npm install ngx-myform --save
$ yarn add ngx-myform


Once you have installed the library, you need some preparations:

1: set bootstrap v4 global style if your app based on angular-cli see here; how to configure global style for example:

"styles": [

2: import the module:

// Import your library
import { NgxMyFormModule } from 'ngx-myform';
  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

3:in you component YourComponent.ts

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormConfig, InputModel, GroupModel, TextareaModel, SelectModel, RadiogroupModel, CheckboxGroupModel, CheckboxModel, } from 'ngx-myform';
import { FormGroup, Validators, ValidatorFn, AbstractControl, ValidationErrors } from '@angular/forms';
function customeValidator(): ValidatorFn {
  return (g: FormGroup) => {
    return g.get('password').value === g.get('repassword').value
      ? null : { mismatch: true };
function customValidatorOtherFormat(g: FormGroup) {
  return g.get('password').value === g.get('repassword').value
    ? null : { mismatch: true };
function customEmailValidator(): ValidatorFn {
  return (c: AbstractControl) => {
    if (!c.value) { return null; }
    const reg = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/;
    return reg.test(c.value) ? null : { email_validator_key: true }
function customEmailduplicated(control: AbstractControl) {
  const q = new Promise<{ [key: string]: boolean }>((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      if (control.value === 'test@gmail.com') {
        resolve({ 'duplicated': true });
      } else {
    }, 1000);
  return q;
function customCheckboxGroupValidator_1(g: FormGroup) {
  return g.get('checkbox_4').value
    ? null : { shouldlike: true };
function customCheckboxGroupValidator_2(g: FormGroup) {
  const num = Object.keys(g.controls).reduce((curr, key) => {
    if (g.get(key).value) {
    return curr;
  }, 0);
  return num > 2 ? null : {
    shouldlikeatleast: true
  selector: 'app-demo1',
  templateUrl: './demo1.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./demo1.component.css'],
export class Demo1Component implements OnInit {
  models = [
    new InputModel({
      id: 'username',
      label: 'username:(use custom class `label_class_1`)',
      validators: [
        { key: 'required', validator: Validators.required, message: 'username is required' },
        { key: 'minlength', validator: Validators.minLength(3), message: 'username must 3 chars at least' }
      wrappersClass: {
        labelWrapper: ['label_class_1'],

    new InputModel({
      id: 'age',
      label: 'your age:',
      disabled: true,
      value: "it's a secret :)"
    new InputModel({
      id: 'niceperson',
      label: '<div style="color:blue;">a nice person?(html label support)</div>',
      value: 'definitly',
      attributes: {
        readonly: 'readonly',
    new InputModel({
      id: 'avatar',
      label: 'avatar:',
      attributes: {
        type: 'file',
        multiple: 'multiple'
      events: {
        change: (e) => {
    new CheckboxGroupModel({
      id: 'intrests',
      // inline: false,
      label: 'what do you like:',

      options: [
          id: 'checkbox_1',
          checkLabel: 'basketball',
          id: 'checkbox_2',
          checkLabel: 'football',
          id: 'checkbox_3',
          checkLabel: 'swimming',
          id: 'checkbox_4',
          checkLabel: 'reading',
          id: 'checkbox_5',
          checkLabel: 'music',
      validators: [
        { key: 'shouldlike', validator: customCheckboxGroupValidator_1, message: 'why not like reading?' },
        { key: 'shouldlikeatleast', validator: customCheckboxGroupValidator_2, message: 'you should like at least 3 item' }
    new GroupModel({
      id: 'passwordGroup',
      group: [
        new InputModel({
          id: 'password',
          label: 'password:',
          // disabled: true,
          attributes: {
            type: 'password',
          validators: [
            { key: 'required', validator: Validators.required, message: 'password is required' }
        new InputModel({
          id: 'repassword',
          label: 're-password:',

          attributes: {
            type: 'password',
          validators: [
            { key: 'required', validator: Validators.required, message: 'please retype your password' }
      validators: [
        { key: 'mismatch', validator: customeValidator(), message: 'the password not match' },
    new InputModel({
      id: 'email',
      label: 'email:',

      prefix: {
        html: '@',
        class: ['input-group-addon'],
      validators: [
        { key: 'email_validator_key', validator: customEmailValidator(), message: 'invalid Email' }
      asyncValidators: [
        { key: 'duplicated', validator: customEmailduplicated, message: 'Email is already existed!' }
      wrappersClass: {
        controlWrapper: ['input-group']
    new InputModel({
      id: 'phone',
      label: 'phone number:',

      validators: [
        { key: 'required', validator: Validators.required, message: 'please fill the phone number' }
    new InputModel({
      id: 'verificationcode',
      label: 'verifacation code:',

      validators: [{ key: 'required', validator: Validators.required, message: 'this is required' }],
      suffix: {
        html: '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" onclick="alert(\'send me verificaton code!\');">send code</button>',
        class: ['border-0', 'ml-3', 'p-0'],
      wrappersClass: {
        controlWrapper: ['input-group']
    new SelectModel({
      id: 'country',
      label: 'country:',

      value: 'england',
      options: [
        { label: 'select one country', value: '' },
        { label: 'China', value: 'china' },
        { label: 'USA', value: 'usa' },
        { label: 'Japan', value: 'japan' },
        { label: 'England', value: 'england' },
        { label: 'France', value: 'france' },
      validators: [
        { key: 'required', validator: Validators.required, message: 'country is required' }
      events: {
        change: () => {
    new SelectModel({
      id: 'occupation',
      attributes: {
        multiple: 'multiple',
      label: 'occupation:',
      validators: [{ key: 'required', validator: Validators.required, message: 'occupation is required' }],
      options: [
        { label: 'Programmer', value: 'programmer' },
        { label: 'Teacher', value: 'teacher' },
        { label: 'Dodctor', value: 'doctor' },
        { label: 'Driver', value: 'driver' }
    new RadiogroupModel({
      id: 'gender:',
      label: 'gender:',
      legend: {
        value: 'Radio Group Legend!',
      inline: true,
      options: [
        { label: 'Male', value: 'male' },
        { label: 'Female', value: 'female' },
        { label: 'xxx', value: 'xxx', disabled: true }
      validators: [
        { key: 'required', validator: Validators.required, message: 'the gender is required' }
    new CheckboxModel({
      id: 'agree',
      value: true,
      required: true,
      checkLabel: 'agree some terms?',
      validators: [
        { key: 'required', validator: Validators.required, message: 'you must agree these terms' }
  formConfig: FormConfig = {
    models: this.models,
    attributes: {
      autocomplete: 'off',
    showErrorsOnSubmit: true,
  constructor() { }
  ngOnInit() {

  test_submit(form) {
    console.log('test_submit', form.value);
  test_change(data) {
    console.log('test_change', data);

4: in the template YourComponent.html;

<ngx-bootstrap-form [formConfig]="formConfig" (ngSubmit)="test_submit($event);" #myform (ngValueChange)='test_change($event);'>
  <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">submit</button>


say it's easy to use,because,you just need to configure a json format data; and bind this data to the ngx-bootstrap-form form component;

interface FormConfig {
    models: BaseModel[],
    attributes?: { [key: string]: string },
    wrappersClass?: WrappersClassInterFace,
    showErrorsOnSubmit?: boolean;


models is an array in which the basic form elements are include for exaple: InputModel represents input element SelectModel represents select element.


you can use dynamically set any attibute for your form attributes:{ 'autocomplete':'off', } the form will add "autocomplete"="off" to you form


before talking about The "wrappersClass";let's see the DOM structuor for a model,pseudo code:

<div mainWrapper>
  <label labelWrapper></label>
  <div secondaryWrapper>
    <div controlWrapper>
      <div prefix></div>
      <div suffix></div>
    <div form-conrol-feedback>some error message</div>

if you are familar with bootstrap v4 it should be easy to understand;it's based on the bootstrap form structor; so,the purpose of WrappersClass is just Globally configure for form layout while every model also has this individually;

you can custom any class with:



InputModel, TextareaModel, SelectModel, CheckboxModel, RadiogroupModel, CheckboxGroupModel,GroupModel

GroupModel is a special model which used for creating FormGroup; for example:

   new InputModel({...}),
   new GroupModel({
      group:[// the `group` is the same as the `model`;
         new InputModel({...}),
         new SelectModel({...}),
   new CheckBoxModel({...}),


 id: string;
 value?: string | boolean;
 disabled?: boolean;
 attributes?: { [key: string]: string };
 events?: { [key: string]: (any) => void };
 validators?: {
     key: string,
     validator: ValidatorFn | ValidationErrors,
     message?: string,
 asyncValidators?: {
     key: string,
     validator: AsyncValidatorFn | ValidationErrors,
     message?: string,
 wrappersClass?: WrappersClassInterFace;
 label?: {
     html?: string,
     class?: Array<string>,
 prefix?: {
     html?: string,
     class?: Array<string>,
 suffix?: {
     html?: string,
     class?: Array<string>,


MIT © [guzuomuse] "# ngx-myform"