Image Hosting for Intel at KubeCon EU 2020

Changing Status Indicators for Staff

Find the file status.json in this repository and edit it within GitHub.

For each staff member's name, the true or false value will set their booth's avatar to "Available" or "Away", respectively.

Feel free to edit the file within GitHub and commit the changes directly to the master branch.

Default Values

The default values (with everyone as "Away") is the following:

  "aibhne": false,
  "ailin": false,
  "beth": false,
  "bobby": false,
  "chris": false,
  "emma": false,
  "eric": false,
  "geoffroy": false,
  "kien": false,
  "killian": false,
  "linjia": false,
  "mike": false,
  "wei": false

Note: That the final line ("wei": false") does not have a trailing comma, while all other lines do have a trailing comma. Improper JSON formatting will prevent the booth from updating.