
An AWS Lambda build on top of Spring Boot 3 and GraalVM for persisting requests in DynamoDB

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An AWS Lambda build on top of Spring Boot 3 and GraalVM for persisting requests in DynamoDB, managed by SAM and automated CI/CD process via GitHub Actions.

Most important classes and files have documentation/comments which explain their purpose.

To read more details how this application works, read my blog post: Production ready AWS Lambda using Spring Boot 3 and GraalVM

Tech stack

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3
  • GraalVM (native-image)
  • Docker
  • SAM

How to build and deploy

To build a native executable you'll need a Docker environment al least with 4GB of RAM.

  1. Create a docker-image which will be used by SAM to build native-executable compatible with Amazon Linux 2 OS. by running:

    ./build-image.sh (Note: this script contains versions of GraalVM, Java and Gradle which can be updated)

  2. After a successful build of the container we can build lambda itself by running:

    sam build --use-container

  3. To deploy lambda to AWS use following command: (Don't forget to replace <AWS_REGION> placeholder with the corresponding rego )

    sam deploy \
     --no-confirm-changeset \
     --no-fail-on-empty-changeset \
     --resolve-s3 \
     --region <AWS_REGION> \
     --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
     --stack-name every-note-persister

Native Image hints

The entire application is simple Java Spring Boot application, but in order to build and run it as a native-executable we need to provide a couple of hints.

  1. resource-config.json, this file is used by io.awspring.cloud:spring-cloud-aws-starter-dynamodb, potentially will be added to the library itself, Issue to track
  2. Reflection Hints All classes which are accessed by reflection should be explicitly provided as reflection hints. By having all this in place application is ready to be run as a native executable file.