GVE DevNet DNAC Telemetry Dashboard

Please note: this repository is based on the repository made by Ignacio Fite called DNA Telemetry Dashboard. We have added a few undocumented DNA Center API calls. Please note: using undocumented DNA Center API calls is at your own risk. In case there are any changes, then the API calls might stop working and this will not be communicated in the API change log. No formal support will be provided.

Cisco DNA Center has a great dashboard that shows a snapshot of your netwerk and device health. The history of the health and telemetry goes up to two weeks, but in some instances, we would like to have a longer history in order to understand the trend. This repository shows how to create dashboard in Grafana that shows the health and telemetry history. The data is stored in InfluxDB.

The following image illustrates the architecture:


Screenshots of the dashboard:




Solution Components

  • Python 3
  • DNA Center
  • Grafana
  • InfluxDB

How to install Grafana

For Grafana, we recommend using Homebrew. Follow the instructions below to install Grafana using brew:

  1. Open a terminal and enter:

     $ brew update
     $ brew install grafana
  2. Start Grafana using the command:

     $ brew services start grafana
  3. Go to the following url in your browser:

  4. Create an account and save the username and password. You will need to add these credentials to your .env file.

How to install InfluxDB

Similarly to Grafana, we recommend that you install InfluxDB using the Homebrew package manager. Follow the instructions below to install InfluxDB:

  1. Open a terminal and enter:

     $ brew update
     $ brew install influxdb
  2. Start InfluxDB by entering the following command in the terminal:

     $ influxd
  3. Go to the following url in your browser:

  4. Create an account and save the username and password. You will need to add these credentials to your .env file.

  5. Moreover, we also need to create an API token. Head to Data > API Tokens and click Generate API Token > Read/Write API Token.

  6. Provide a name for the token and select the correct scopes and buckets and click save.

  7. Click on the newly created token and copy the token to your clipboard. you will need to add the token to your .env file.


The following commands are executed in the terminal.

  1. Create and activate a virtual environment for the project:

     $ py -3 -m venv [add_name_of_virtual_environment_here] 
     $ [add_name_of_virtual_environment_here]/Scripts/activate.bat 
     $ python3 -m venv [add_name_of_virtual_environment_here] 
     $ source [add_name_of_virtual_environment_here]/bin/activate

For more information about virtual environments, please click here

  1. Access the created virtual environment folder

     $ cd [add_name_of_virtual_environment_here]
  2. Clone this repository

     $ git clone [add_link_to_repository_here]
  3. Access the folder gve_devnet_dnac_telemetry_dashboard

     $ cd gve_devnet_dnac_telemetry_dashboard
  4. Install the dependencies:

     $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Open the .env file and add the username and password for your Grafana, InfluxDB and DNAC instances. In addition, you need to add the DNA Center URL. Please consult the previous section on how to obtain this information.

        # General Config
        # Influx Config
        # Grafana Config
        # Sleep Interval
        # DNA Centers Configs

Usage (local)

Now it is time to run your script. Before you do so, make sure that your Grafana, InfluxDB and DNAC instances are running:

  1. Start your local InfluxDB instance with the following command in the terminal:

     $ influxd
  2. Start your local Grafana instance with the following command in the terminal:

     $ brew services start grafana
  3. Run your script by typing in the following the command in the terminal:

     $ python main.py


Usage (Docker container)

  1. Install Docker Desktop here

  2. Install Docker Compose

$ pip install docker-compose
  1. Clone this repository
$ git clone https://www.github.cisco.com/gve-sw/gve_devnet_dna_center_telemetry_dashboard_tig/
  1. Navigate to the code directory
$ cd gve_devnet_dna_center_telemetry_dashboard_tig
  1. Fill out and rename app-code/.env_docker to .env with the information obtained above

  2. Build application

$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
  1. In a browser, navigate to localhost:3000 to access the Grafana dashboard


Provided under Cisco Sample Code License, for details see LICENSE


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See our contributing guidelines here


Please note: This script is meant for demo purposes only. All tools/ scripts in this repo are released for use "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to their installation, use, or performance. Any use of these scripts and tools is at your own risk. There is no guarantee that they have been through thorough testing in a comparable environment and we are not responsible for any damage or data loss incurred with their use. You are responsible for reviewing and testing any scripts you run thoroughly before use in any non-testing environment.