
JS-oriented fork of examples and code for the book "D3 for the Impatient"

Purpose of this fork

The purpose of this fork is (as stated in the original one) to provide an npm / yarn based installer to run a webserver for the book examples.

Also, I'm planning to maintain and extend the example code, so any contribution to this repository is more than welcome.

How to use it

tl;dr (for those who are familiar with node.js ecosystem)

npm start


This fork uses Node.js to run the webserver. In order to make use of all the features of this fork, Node.js and npm need to be preinstalled. Refer to the Node.js website for instructions to install node on your own operating system.

Clone repository(using git)

Use the following command (from your OS command line):

git clone https://github.com/gverni/d3-for-the-impatient.git

Install dependencies

Once you have cloned the repository, cd into the repo folder and run:

npm install

This will install all the dependencies.

Run web server (and file sync)

From the repo folder execute:

npm start

This will:

  • Start a webserver on port 3000 serving files from the examples folder
  • Start an instance of your default browser pointing to the index page
  • Initiate file sync, so everytime a file is changed in the examples folder, the browser automatically reloads it


I'll be very happy to accept contributions to this repo, either to extend existing samples or to add new one. Feel free to open PR (see here how) or to open a new issue if you want to report bugs or propose changes.