
Simple checker for when your employer's mail server does not like to check for spam. Common (usually) with exchange mail servers.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


I was a little fed up with spam storms regularly filling my work mail, so i hacked this little script up to keep it at bay.

Please see LICENSE for the license. Nothing restrictive (not worth it for a little script i believe) but the third paragraph is always worth mentioning. No warranty whatsoever, if your mails disappear it's not my fault. :)


  • spamassassin (spamd must be running)
  • python 3

Basic usage

Kill spam in your inbox (unread mail only, useful mainly in crontab - yes i know it's not good at all for security, but this is made to run on your own laptop/pc, so...):

 $ imap-checker.py -s <server> -u <user> -w <password> --ssl

As an alternative you can use an ini config file like this:

 $ imap-checker.py -c <config_path>

The default location for the config file (when no config_path is specified) is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/imap-checker/config. The .ini file has the following format (only 'user' and 'password' options are required, the rest can be passed on the command line as parameters):

 user: <username>
 password: <password>
 domain: <domain of the user, useful for exchange servers>
 port: <port number, defaults to IMAP standard port>
 ssl: <enable ssl or not, defaults to disabled>
 boxes: <additional IMAP mailboxes to be checked>
 all-mail: <check everything, not only unread emails>
 treshold: <consider spam every mail above this rating (default: 4.5)>


By default detected spam mails are moved in a "Spam" imap mailbox. If you do not like that you can simply nuke it all:

 $ imap-checker <credentials as above> -m delete

You can also change the destination mailbox (aka directory/label):

 $ imap-checker.py <credentials as above> -d Trash

Other options

 $ imap-checker.py -h