
Validate the included form (form.html) client side for the following:

  • The following are required fields: contest1_name, first_name, country, email, birth_day, birth_month, birth_year, privacy_check
  • Validate that the email address is the correct email format
  • Validate that the user is older than 14 years old based on the current date

Considerations for task 1:

  • Are there any improvements you could make to the way the form works?
  • Your validation code must run on client side .html page only.

Deliverable: set up a working example of the form, either online for us to look at, or locally on a machine to bring and show us.

  1. Changing input-type="text" to input-type="email"
  2. Requiring all fields
  3. Disabled selected all first options of drop down menus
  4. Adding on click submit Javascript function for the submit button
  5. Adding Javascript for age