
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Next.js + MongoDB App

A full-fledged app made with Next.JS and MongoDB.

About this project

nextjs-mongodb-app is a continously developed app built with Next.JS and MongoDB. Most tutorials on the Internet are either half-baked or not production-ready. This project aims to fix that.

This project goes even further and attempts to integrate top features as seen in real-life apps.

Give this project a big ol' 🌟 star motivates me to work on new features.

Check out the demo.

Using this project

Before getting started, I welcome you to read this issue on production readiness. The goal is not to use this project as it, but to implement your own version.

This project accompanies the following posts:

Note: Part 1 and Part 2 are written without next-connect for middleware and method routing and only apply to commits before db910c2.


This project relies on the following components. Some of them are optional and some may be replaced by others with similar functionalities.


This project uses the following dependencies:

  • next.js - v9 or above required for API Routes.
  • react - v16.8 or above required for react hooks.
  • react-dom - v16.8 or above.
  • mongodb - may be replaced by mongoose.
  • next-connect - recommended if you want to use Express/Connect middleware.
  • axios, axioswal - optional, may be replaced with any request library.
  • next-session, connect-mongo - may be replaced with any session management solution.
  • bcryptjs - optional, may be replaced with any password-hashing library. argon2 recommended.
  • validator - optional but recommended.
  • formidable - may be replaced by other file parser.
  • cloudinary - optional, only if you are using Cloudinary for image upload.
  • @sendgrid/mail - optional, only if you are using SendGrid to send emails.

Environmental variables

The environment variables will be inlined during build time and thus should not be used in front-end codebase.

Required environmental variables in this project include:

  • process.env.MONGODB_URI The MongoDB Connection String (with credentials)
  • process.env.CLOUDINARY_URL (optional, Cloudinary only) Cloudinary environment variable for configuration. See this.
  • process.env.DB_NAME The name of the MongoDB database to be used.
  • process.env.WEB_URI The URL of your web.
  • process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY (optional, SendGrid only) SendGrid API Key. See this.
  • process.env.SENDGRID_TEMPLATEID_EMAILVERIFY (optional, Sendgrid only) SendGrid Email Template to use.
  • process.env.EMAIL_FROM The email address to send your emails from.

I include my own MongoDB, Cloudinary, SendGrid environment variables in .env.example for experimentation purposes. Please replace them with your owns and refrain from sabotaging them. You can try them in development by renaming it into .env.

In production, it is recommended to set the environment variables using the options provided by your cloud/hosting providers.


nextjs-mongodb-app is a long-term developing project. There is no constraint on numbers of features. I continuously accepts feature proposals and am actively developing and expanding functionalities.

Start the development server by running yarn dev or npm run dev.


There are three states in feature development:

  • developed: The feature has been fully developed and is functional.
  • developing: The feature is being developed or being improved.
  • proposed: The feature is proposed and may or may not be developed in the future.


  • Session management
  • Allow users to sign up and log in/log out.

User profile

  • Avatar, name, email, location, etc.
  • User profile page
  • Edit user profile

Social delayed

  • Find other users with search functionality
  • View other users' profile page
  • Add/Remove friends

Account management developing

  • Email verification (done)
  • Password change
  • Password reset

Have any features in mind, make an issue. Would like to work on a feature, make a PR.


Despite the look, this project does not contain any stylesheets, and no component has classes. To remove the style, simply remove all <style jsx> and <style jsx global> tags.


Please see my contributing.md.
