
Educational predictions on stock market with Tensorflow.js sequential RNN with LSTM layers on a React web App.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Elegant and for real stock predictions App with Tensorflow.js


Predictions made on Amazon stock market (fresh data until 2022-02-03) with Tensorflow.js. But you can download freshened up data :)

Check out this app in live stockmarketpredictiocvxl0lfn-smpfront.functions.fnc.fr-par.scw.cloud

Table of contents


Just wanna spend my time using Tensorflow.js :) Data come from the free API alphavantage.co

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Getting started

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/tomtom94/stockmarketpredictions.git
cd stockmarketpredictions


Node.js version v16.3.0 minimum (because we need to use the js optional chaining operator). Hopefully you got nvm command already installed (best way to install node), hence just do

nvm use

it's gonna use the .nvmrc file with v16.20.0

Start in dev mode

npm install

Run dev mode with

npm run dev

it's gonna start an hot dev middleware with an express server ;) ready to work http://localhost:3000

Start in production mode

With Node.js

npm install

Run build mode with

npm run build

it's gonna build in dist/

Then run in production mode

npm run start

;) it's gonna start the only one SSR express server out of the box for internet http://localhost:3000 or environment port used.

With Docker

docker build -t stockmarketpredictions .
docker run -p 80:80 stockmarketpredictions

Then open http://localhost:80

Must know about the app

You better use a good search engine like Qwant.com, don't use Google. please.

Import daily data from Yahoo Finance

You can run any company stock market you want, just download it yourself from Yahoo Finance.

In order to do so choose your own ticker for example CGG company in France, from this page https://fr.finance.yahoo.com/chart/CGG.PA open your browser console, click 5A to display 5 years of data. Then copy the gross json result from the api call into the texte area in the web page, click Submit Yahoo Data button.

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The screenshot above will help you do the job.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

When pushing or merging on master branch, you can trigger Github Actions with a commit message that includes #major, #minor or #patch.

Example of commit message in order to start a deployment :

git commit -m "#major this is a big commit"
git commit -m "#patch this is a tiny commit"


If ever you wanna brainstorm, download my resume you are gonna find my phone number