
High-performance STM for Cats Effect

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bengal STM

Build Status Maven Central

Bengal STM is a library for writing composable concurrency operations based on in-memory transactions. The library itself handles all aspects of concurrency management including locking, retries, semantic blocking and optimised transaction scheduling. Generally, STM is a higher-level concurrency abstraction that provides a safe, efficient and composable alternate to locks, mutexes, etc.

There are two aspects that differentiate Bengal from other STM implementations:

  • Bengal runtime scheduler: The Bengal runtime uses a custom scheduler that is not blindly optimistic. Transactions are scheduled based on a fast, static analysis of the transaction variable domain to lower the chances of transactions needing to be retried. This ensures consistent performance, even for highly-contentious transactional variables/maps.
  • Transactional Maps: In addition to transactional variables, the implementation includes performant transactional maps as a core API data structure. This data structure provides performance benefits above wrapping an entire map in a transactional variable.


As there are already many solid references on STM, I will not dive into STM theory here. However, I do highly recommend the writeup in Beautiful Concurrency for those interested in learning about this concurrency pattern.

Quick Start

To use Bengal-STM in an existing SBT project with Scala 2.12 or a later version, add the following dependency to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "ai.entrolution" %% "bengal-stm" % VERSION

See the Maven badge above for the latest version.


Example Description Type Signature Notes
STM.runtime[F] Creates a runtime in an F[_] container whose transaction results can be lifted into a container F[_] via commit def runtime[F[_]: Async]: F[STM[F]]
txnVar.get.commit Commits a transaction and lifts the result into F[_] def commit: F[V]
TxnVar.of[List[Int]](List()) Creates a transactional variable def of[T](value: T): F[TxnVar[T]]
TxnVarMap.of[String, Int](Map()) Creates a transactional map of[K, V](valueMap: Map[K, V]): F[TxnVarMap[K, V]]
txnVar.get Retrieves value of transactional variable def get: Txn[V]
txnVarMap.get Retrieves an immutable map (i.e. a view) representing transactional map state def get: Txn[Map[K, V]] Performance-wise it is better to retrieve individual keys instead of acquiring the entire map
txnVarMap.get("David") Retrieves optional value depending on whether key exists in the map def get(key: K): Txn[Option[V]] Will raise an error if the key is never created (previously or current transaction). A None is returned if the value has been deleted in the current transaction.
txnVar.set(100) Sets the value of transactional variable def set(newValue: V): Txn[Unit]
txnVar.setF(Async[F].pure(100)) Sets the value of transactional variable via an abstract effect wrapped in F def setF[F[_]: Async](newValue: V): Txn[Unit] Need to ensure F[V] does not encapsulate side-effects
txnVarMap.set(Map("David" -> 100)) Uses an immutable map to set the transactional map state def set(newValueMap: Map[K, V]): Txn[Unit] Performance-wise it is better to set individual keys instead of setting the entire map in this manner.

This operation will create/delete key-values as needed to update the state of the map.
txnVarMap.setF(Async[F].pure(Map("David" -> 100))) Uses an immutable map (returned in an abstracted effect wrapped in F) to set the transactional map state def setF[F[_]: Async](newValueMap: F[Map[K, V]]): Txn[Unit] Need to ensure F[V] does not encapsulate side-effects
txnVarMap.set("David", 100) Upserts the key-value into the transactional map def set(key: K, newValue: V): Txn[Unit] Will create the key-value in the transactional map, if the key was not present
txnVarMap.setF("David", Async[F].pure(100)) Upserts the key-value into the transactional map with the value being the result of an abstracted effect wrapped in F def setF[F[_]: Async](key: K, newValue: F[V]): Txn[Unit] Will create the key-value in the transactional map, if the key was not present

Need to ensure F[V] does not encapsulate side-effects
txnVar.modify(_ + 5) Modifies the value of a transactional variable def modify(f: V => V): Txn[Unit]
txnVar.modifyF(v => Async[F].delay(v + 5)) Modifies the value of a transactional variable via an abstract effect wrapped in F def modifyF[F[_]: Async](f: V => F[V]): Txn[Unit] Need to ensure F[V] does not encapsulate side-effects
txnVarMap.modify("David", _ + 20) Modifies the value in a transactional map for a given key def modify(key: K, f: V => V): Txn[Unit] Will throw an error if the key is not present in the map (or has been deleted in the current transaction)
txnVarMap.modifyF("David", v => Async[F].delay(v + 20)) Modifies the value in a transactional map for a given key via an abstract effect wrapped in F def modifyF[F[_]: Async](key: K, f: V => F[V]): Txn[Unit] Will throw an error if the key is not present in the map (or has been deleted in the current transaction)

Need to ensure F[V] does not encapsulate side-effects
txnVarMap.modify(_.map(i => i._1 -> i._2*2)) Modifies all the values in the map def modify(f: Map[K, V] => Map[K, V]): Txn[Unit] Transform can create/delete entries.

Again, for performance it is better to work with individual key-value pairs instead of manipulating map views
txnVarMap.modifyF(m => Async[F].delay(m.map(i => i._1 -> i._2*2))) Modifies all the values in the map via an abstract effect wrapped in F def modifyF[F[_]: Async](f: Map[K, V] => F[Map[K, V]]): Txn[Unit] Transform can create/delete entries.

Again, for performance it is better to work with individual key-value pairs instead of manipulating map views

Need to ensure F[V] does not encapsulate side-effects
txnVarMap.remove("David") Removes a key-value from the transactional map def remove(key: K): Txn[Unit] Will throw an error if the key doesn't actually exist in the map (to be consistent with get behaviour)
pure(10) Lifts a value into a transactional monad def pure[V](value: V): Txn[V]
delay(10+2) Lifts a computation into a transactional monad (by-name value) def delay[V](value: => V): Txn[V] Argument will be evaluated every time a transaction is attempted. It is not advised to use with side effects.
abort(new RuntimeException("foo")) Aborts the current transaction def abort(ex: Throwable): Txn[Unit] Variables/Maps changes in the transaction will not be changed if the transaction is aborted
txn.handleErrorWith(_ => pure("bar")) Absorbs an error/abort and remaps to another transaction (of the same wrapped type) def handleErrorWith(f: Throwable => Txn[V]): Txn[V]
waitFor(value > 10) Semantically blocks a transaction until a condition is met def waitFor(predicate: => Boolean): Txn[Unit] Blocking is only semantic (i.e. not locking up a thread while waiting)

This is implemented via retries that are initiated via variable/map updates. One can specify the retryMaxWait to facilitate backstop polling for these retries, but this is not recommended (i.e. indicates side-effects are impacting predicate)


Note in the below that the better-monadic-for compiler plugin is used to expose the STM runtime as an implicit in the monadic computation. This is avoids the use of unsafeRunSync to expose the runtime instance, while not requiring the runtime to be explicitly passed to the sub-programs.

import bengal.stm.STM
import bengal.stm.model._
import bengal.stm.syntax.all._

import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp}

import scala.concurrent.duration._

object Main extends IOApp.Simple {

  def run: IO[Unit] = {
    def createAccount(
                       name: String,
                       initialBalance: Int,
                       accounts: TxnVarMap[IO, String, Int]
                     )(implicit stm: STM[IO]): IO[Unit] =
      accounts.set(name, initialBalance).commit

    def transferFunds(
                       accounts: TxnVarMap[IO, String, Int],
                       bankOpen: TxnVar[IO, Boolean],
                       to: String,
                       from: String,
                       amount: Int
                     )(implicit stm: STM[IO]): IO[Unit] =
      (for {
        balance    <- accounts.get(from)
        isBankOpen <- bankOpen.get
        _          <- STM[IO].waitFor(isBankOpen)
        _          <- STM[IO].waitFor(balance.exists(_ >= amount))
        _          <- accounts.modify(from, _ - amount)
        _          <- accounts.modify(to, _ + amount)
      } yield ()).commit

    def openBank(
                  bankOpen: TxnVar[IO, Boolean]
                )(implicit stm: STM[IO]): IO[Unit] =
      for {
        _ <- IO.sleep(1000.millis)
        _ <- IO(println("Bank Open!"))
        _ <- bankOpen.set(true).commit
      } yield ()

    def printAccounts(
                       accounts: TxnVarMap[IO, String, Int]
                     )(implicit stm: STM[IO]): IO[Unit] =
      for {
        accounts <- accounts.get.commit
        _ <- IO {
          accounts.toList.foreach { acc =>
            println(s"${acc._1}: ${acc._2}")
      } yield ()

    for {
      implicit0(stm: STM[IO]) <- STM.runtime[IO]
      bankOpen                <- TxnVar.of(false)
      accounts                <- TxnVarMap.of[IO, String, Int](Map())
      _                       <- createAccount("David", 100, accounts)
      _                       <- createAccount("Sasha", 0, accounts)
      _                       <- printAccounts(accounts)
      _                       <- openBank(bankOpen).start
      _                       <- transferFunds(accounts, bankOpen, "Sasha", "David", 100)
      _                       <- printAccounts(accounts)
    } yield ()


What is a PR FAQ?

Take a look at the Medium article on PR FAQs for a good overview of the concept. I have taken some liberties with the formatting, but I generally like the concept of a living FAQ to help introduce products.

Why another STM implementation?

I found that blindly optimistic execution strategies led to very poor performance of STM in a number of production scenarios. The situation could only be remedied by sequentially executing queued transactions within a given runtime. I.e. the transactional nature of STM became moot, as I was essentially reducing concurrent execution back down to sequential execution. Thus, I decided to build an STM backed by a scheduler that was more conducive to handling high-contention scenarios, while still being genuinely concurrent.

Beyond the scheduler, I also wanted to explore adding Map as a fundamental transactional data structure to analogise the concept of an index in a DB. This presents some interesting challenges with scheduling around structural (i.e. the 'CRD' in 'CRUD') updates to the map itself, but it's a data structure I just found to be very useful in transactional contexts.

Why not just contribute to another project?

Indeed, cats-stm already exists and provides a nice STM implementation for Cats Effect (Try it!).

Given the requirements I had for the transaction scheduler, I decided that the underpinning implementation would be quite different than cats-stm. In particular, this implementation is based on Free Monads that use different interpreters for static analysis and building the transactional log.

Also, while APIs are quite similar, there are some differences between Bengal and cats-stm. For example, cats-stm has a way to bypass retries with orElse, which is not something present in Bengal (this is an intentional design decision). Also, initialisation of TxnVar and TxnVarMap happen outside the context of the Txn[_] monad.

Why isn't there a way to bypass waitFor?

I wanted waitFor to have a clear semantic delineation from an if statement in the monadic construction. While there is arguably a missed opportunity to define a canonical Semigroup via such a bypass, I have opted for a simpler API (for the time being).

In addition to this, Bengal short-circuits the rest of the monadic evaluation when encountering a failed waitFor predicate. This performance optimisation is not possible if we need to search the computation spec for a waitFor bypass.

Why 'Bengal'?

Bengals are a very playful and active cat breed. I figured the name worked for something built on Cats ;).