
Primary LanguageMatlabOtherNOASSERTION


Version 0.1

For a quick start see quick_start.txt and quick_example.txt inside the model_initiative folder.


This document aims to describe how to use matlab/octave and/or python to launch auditory pathway models and detectors in the context of a model comparison framework described in more details below.

A: Classic experiment in psychoacoustics B: Structure of the model comparison framework, models process sounds output by the experiment side.The output of the model is then fed to the detector which comes up with a decision/

From the figure below, two sides can be observed: the experiment side and the model/detector side

Launching the experiment side

Launching the experiment side requires a couple of matlab toolboxes:

Setting up the AFC toolbox

The easiest way to set it up is probably to uncompress the afc folder after downloading it and copy/paste it in the main model_initiative repo (ie where the other folders model_server, fileexchange... are). You can now open a matlab instance, navigate to the main model_initiative folder and run the model_initiative_init_experiment script to add the necessary paths to the matlab path. Then run AFC_init. After that navigate to the afc folder and run the afc_addpath script. From there you can run for instance the following:


The available afc experiments are located in the /experiments/afc folder.

Setting up the AMT toolbox

Download the latest version, place the uncompressed folder in the model_initiative folder.You can now open a matlab instance, navigate to the main model_initiative folder and run the model_initiative_init_experiment script to add the necessary paths to the matlab path. Then follow the instructions provided in the readme files in the thirdparty folder of folder to install ltfat and sfs.Then add the amtfolder to your matlab path and then run the AMT_init script to set up AMT. The AMT toolbox is needed if the user wants to run the Breebaart 2001 model and detector. AMT can also run experiments. For instance: exp breebaart2001(’bfig3’,’redo’,’BInit’,’directory’,simwork.iopath); if this error occurs : Error using ltfatarghelper [ERROR] (../../mex/ltfatarghelper.c:491:) struc is NULL, please close matlab, go to ltfat/mex and delete the file ltfatarghelper.mexw64. You can then restart matlab and it should work.

Launching the model/detector side

Comparing different computational models can be challenging when models are written in different lan- guages. The Model Initiative library addresses that issue by allowing the user to launch matlab/octave models and detectors as well as python models and detectors from a common command line (either matlab or python command line). The main idea behind that is to create threads in which models and detectors run. These threads are created and closed automatically when the user runs either the model server matlab function or the model_server_python function. Because the way to launch matlab,octave or python threads varies with the platform that the user runs (Windows, MacOS, Linux), some small editing/configuring might be necessary to use the library. Those edits will be explained further in the following subsections.

Minimum requirements for the matlab user

  • Matlab, above R2013a

To run python examples, the python requirements must be satisfied as well

Minimum requirements for the octave user

Minimum requirements for the python2 user

Both libraries should be installed to guarantee full functionality. To run matlab examples, matlab requirements must be satisfied as well.

Set up and configuration depending on the user’s OS

The model and detector threads are launched from the python model server call.m, matlab model server call.py and from the detector_interface_python.py and detector_interface_matlab.m functions located in the model_server folder(see call graph below).

  • For Windows users: If you want to use Octave, you might have to add to your PATH environment variable the bin folder of the Octave library. Once this is done, everything should work normally. To do so please follow the instructions:
  1. Go to the Windows Start Menu
  2. Right Click ”Computer”
  3. Select ”Properties”
  4. A dialogue should pop up with a link on the left called ”Advanced system settings”. Click it.
  5. In the System Properties dialogue, click the button called ”Environment Variables”.
  6. In the Environment Variables dialogue look for ”Path” under the System Variables window.
  7. Add ;C:\Octave-4.0.0\bin to the end of it. The semicolon is the path separator on windows.
  8. Click Ok and close the dialogues.
  • For Linux users: Matlab runs bash commands using its own version of libstdc++, that version might be incompatible with the one that exists on your system. A fix to it is to export to your library PATH the path to the directory where the libstdc++.so.6 file is. On many computers that path is located in the directory /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu . If on your computer that path is located somewhere else then please edit the detector_interface_matlab.m and the python model server call.m and change the path in all commands starting with export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu with your own path. Everything else should work well after that change.

  • For the MacOS users: it is assumed that Matlab and Octave were installed by the user in the Applica- tions folder (default folder used by MacOS when software is installed). The matlab and octave binary files are not directly callable from the command line. To change that, a couple of symbolic links must be set up.

    • For matlab: Open a terminal window, from there type: sudo ln -s /path to your matlab bin /usr/local/bin/matlab The matlab binary file is usually located at /Applications/MATLAB RXXXX/bin/matlab where XXXX is the version of matlab.

    • For Octave: Open a terminal window,from there type: sudo ln -s /path to your octave-cli-XXX bin /usr/local/bin/octave-cli Usually, the octave-cli-XXX binary file is located at: /Applications/Octave.app/Contents/Resources/usr/Cellar/octave/X.X.X/bin/octave-cli-X.X.X, where X.X.X is the version number.

Quick description of the organization of the library

  • fileexchange folder hosts the different files that are exchanged between the experiment side, the model side and the detector side
  • pathway_model folder stores the available models written in any language (matlab,octave or python)
  • decision_stage folder stores the available detectors written in any language
  • Experiment files (either AFC, AMT or your own) can be found in the experiment folder.
  • model_server folder stores the matlab and python function used to interface experiments, models and detectors (see call graph)
  • data folder stores the results produced on the experiment side.
  • plot routine folder contains a set of function to plot the results store in the data folder

Quick start

Once the requirements are satisfied, assuming the experiment side is already launched:

For the matlab/octave user

  1. Open a matlab/octave desktop
  2. Navigate to the main folder of the library and run the model_initiative_init_model script
  3. Run the model server matlab function with the right set of arguments. model server(no intervals,model name and args,detector name and args, model language,detector language) If the model and the detector are both in matlab, there is no need to precise the detector language, just use: model_server(2,'klein_hennig_2011(wave,fs,0.18,0)','argmin(pathway_out)','matlab')

however if the model and the detector are in different language use for instance:

model_server(2,'klein_hennig_2011_python(wave,0.18,None)','argmin(pathway_out)','python','matlab') or model_server(2,'klein_hennig_2011(wave,fs,0.18,0)','argmin_python(pathway_out)','matlab','python') or model server(2,'goodman_brette_2010_python(wave,20,0.05)','argmax_python(pathway_out)','python','python')

For the python2 user

  1. using a command terminal, navigate to the model_server folder
  2. From there run for instance: python -c "from model_server_python import model_server_python; model_server_python(2,'klein_hennig_2011_python(wave,0.18,None)','argmin_python(pathway_out)','python','python')" or python -c "from model_server_python import model_server_python; model_server_python(2,'klein_hennig_2011(wave,fs,0.18,0)','argmin_python(pathway_out)','matlab','python')" or python -c "from model_server_python import model_server_python; model_server_python(2,'goodman_brette_2010_python(wave,20,0.05)','argmax_python(pathway_out)','python','python')"

You can also check the available detectors and models by running the check available detectors and check_available_models function located in the model_server folder. Note though that all detectors will not work with all pathway models (see table in appendix)

Features to be aware of

Choice of model and model arguments, detector and detector arguments

Amongst the arguments of the model server function, two of them are of particular importance:

  • model_name_and_args refers to the name of the chosen model and the set of arguments chosen by the user to run the model with. The first argument should always be wave, which refers to the dual channel sound array. Matlab pathway models often require the samplerate as argument. Use fs to refer to the samplerate and place it at the second position in the argument list.

  • detector_name_and_args refers to the name of the chosen detector and the set of arguments chosen by the user to run the detector with. The first argument of the detector function should always be pathway_out.
    pathway_out is the name of the structure that the pathway model output. If the model is in matlab, pathway_out is a cell.

Model language and detector language arguments

When the model_server_python function is used to call the model and detector, the model language and the detector language must be provided as the two last arguments of the function. The different choices the user can pick are : matlab,octave and python. When the model_server (ie the matlab/octave model server) function is used to call the model and detector, only the model language field is mandatory if both model and detector are both run with the same language (matlab or octave). If the model and the detector are written in different languages or if they are both written in python then the detector language should be provided as well.

Call graph



Table of compatible experiments/models/detectors
