
MERN Stack Hotel Booking App

MongoDB Express React NodeJs

Run Server [NodeJs at server folder]

DB Configuration

Please edit db.js mongodb connection string

You may import the sample collections at mongodb_collections folder

mongodb screenshot

Stripe API Key Configuration

Please edit bookingRoute.js and put your stripe private api key

execute following command

npm i

start the server

nodemon server
npm package use:
  • nodemon
  • mongoose
  • express
  • router
  • moment
  • stripe
  • uuid

Run Client [ReactJs at client folder]

Server API Configuration

Please edit the package.js to correct Server API URL

Stripe API Key Configuration

Please edit Bookingscreen.js and put your stripe public api key

execute following command

npm i

start the client

npm start
npm package use:
  • antd
  • aos
  • axios
  • moment
  • react-bootstrap
  • react-router-dom
  • react-stripe-checkout
  • sweetalert2

Sample Screenshots

Landing Page


password: 123456


Admin Page