
in-class-group-assignment-1b-top-right-table created by GitHub Classroom


test repository for in-class assignment 1b: in-class exercise for testing group assignments

This README contains the instructions for completing your first group assignment using git inside the Systems Programming S19 class.


  1. One member of your team will accept the link and create a new team. The rest will accept the assignment and JOIN the team.
  2. All team members will clone this repository to their machine. When cloning, choose a folder structure like this: <some_base_dir>/cs3410/lectures/lecture1/
  3. Inside the cloned directory, one team member (student A) will create a groupFile.md file using a text editor (note that the extension is ".md". If you can't do it, make a groupFile.txt file).
  4. Inside the groupFile.md file, student A WILL add the following information: a. the team name b. your name
  5. Once you are done, you'll do one of the following 2 things: a. you'll use git in your terminal to add the file to your local repo and then you'll commit the changes and push it into the remote repository. b. you'll use the "Upload File" option in the GitHub interface and add the file "groupFile.md" to your remote repo directly.
  6. You dance a little jig.
  7. The other members will (one by one, not at the same time) complete the steps 8-9.
  8. First pull any changes done on the repo by other students. To do this, run:
git fetch // this tells you about any differences with your local repo
git pull  // this actually downloads the changes to your local repo
  1. follow steps 4-6 with the following difference: just append your name at the bottom of the "groupFile.md" file.