
PDN Gateway CNF example

Primary LanguageGo

PDN Gateway (P-GW)

Go Report Card GoDoc Docker License GitHub Super-Linter


This project improves the P-GW CNF developed by Yoshiyuki Kurauchi for testing go-gtp project. The major change of this implementation is the usage of a external database for sharing IP addresses.

Environment Variables

Name Default Description
LOG_LEVEL info Specifies the application log level
REDIS_URL Specifies the Connection string for Redis Datastore
REDIS_PASSWORD Specifies the passdor for connecting to Redis Datastore
ETCD_URL Specifies the Connection string for ETCD Datastore
S5U_NETWORK Defines the S5 User Plane Network CIDR
S5C_NETWORK Defines the S5 Control Plane Network CIDR
SGI_NIC eth2 Network interface used for SGI connection

Management API

URL Description
metrics/ Prometheus metrics
healthcheck/ Kubernetes health checks

Local Deployment

This project can be deployed locally using Vagrant tool which provisions a Ubuntu Focal Virtual Machine automatically. It's highly recommended to use the setup.sh script of the bootstrap-vagrant project to install Vagrant dependencies and plugins required for the tool. The script supports two Virtualization providers (Libvirt and VirtualBox).

curl -fsSL http://bit.ly/initVagrant | PROVIDER=libvirt bash

Once Vagrant is installed, it's possible to deploy the End-to-End solution with the following instruction:

vagrant up