
CoNLL 2016 classifier from "Discourse Sense Classification from Scratch using Focused RNNs"

Primary LanguagePython


System implementation of the paper Discourse Sense Classification from Scratch using Focused RNNs (presented at CoNLL 2016 conference). Implemented in Python 2 using Numpy, Keras with Theano.

Note: Same implementation was used on English and Chinese datasets. It achieved new state-of-the-art on Chinese blind dataset.

Check out the conference paper and presentation at:


The subtask of CoNLL 2016 Shared Task focuses on sense classification of multilingual shallow discourse relations. Existing systems rely heavily on external resources, hand-engineered features, patterns, and complex pipelines fine-tuned for the English language. In this paper we describe a different approach and system inspired by end-to-end training of deep neural networks. Its input consists of only sequences of tokens, which are processed by our novel focused RNNs layer, and followed by a dense neural network for classification. Neural networks implicitly learn latent features useful for discourse relation sense classification, make the approach almost language-agnostic and independent of prior linguistic knowledge. In the closed-track sense classification task our system achieved overall 0.5246 F1-measure on English blind dataset and achieved the new state-of-the-art of 0.7292 F1-measure on Chinese blind dataset.

Our CoNLL 2016 Shared Task individual discourse sense classifier/model.


Script for applying both trained models for English and Chinese that were used on TIRA system (check its source code):

# tira_run_{en|zh}.sh <dataset_dir> <output_dir>
$ ./v34/tira_run_en.sh ./data/conll16st-en-03-29-16-trial ./output
$ ./v34/tira_run_zh.sh ./data/conll16st-zh-01-08-2016-trial ./output

For training each individual model use:

# train.py <experiment_dir> <train_dir> <valid_dir> [--clean] [--config CONFIG]
$ ./v34/train.py ./models-v34-a ./data/conll16st-en-03-29-16-train ./data/conll16st-en-03-29-16-dev --config='{"filter_fn_name":"conn_eq_0"}'

Afterwards apply the trained model to an unseen dataset with:

# classifier.py <lang> <model_dir> <dataset_dir> <output_dir> [--config CONFIG]
$ ./v34/classifier.py en ./models-v34-a ./data/conll16st-en-03-29-16-test ./output --config='{"filter_fn_name":"conn_eq_0"}'

For evaluation use the official CoNLL 2016 Shared Task scorer:

$ ./conll16st_evaluation/tira_sup_eval.py ./data/conll16st-en-03-29-16-test ./output ./output


Copyright © 2016 gw0 [http://gw.tnode.com/] <gw.2016@tnode.com>

This code is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0+ (AGPL-3.0+). Note that it is mandatory to make all modifications and complete source code publicly available to any user.