
Mastodon client for Vim/Neovim.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Mastodon client for Vim/Neovim.


Installation & Config Example

  • Deno and denops is required.
call dein#add("vim-denops/denops.vim") " Required
call dein#add("gw31415/mstdn.vim")

" For Neovim users:
call dein#add("MeanderingProgrammer/markdown.nvim") " Recommended: Better visibility of hashtags and other links

" Optional: Post editor window
call dein#add("gw31415/mstdn-editor.vim")

autocmd BufReadCmd mstdn://* call s:mstdn_config()
function s:mstdn_config() abort
  " Some preferences
  setl nonu so=0 scl=yes

  " Key mappings
  nn <buffer> <enter> <cmd>call mstdn#timeline#load_more()<cr>
  nn <buffer> <expr> G getcurpos()[1] == line('$') ? "\<cmd>call mstdn#timeline#load_more()\<cr>" : "\<cmd>norm! G\<cr>"
  nn <buffer><nowait> > <cmd>call mstdn#timeline#favourite()<cr>
  nn <buffer><nowait> < <cmd>call mstdn#timeline#unfavourite()<cr>
  nn <buffer><nowait> <C-r> <cmd>call mstdn#timeline#reconnect()<cr>

  " Configuration for mstdn-editor.vim
  nn <buffer> i <Plug>(mstdn-editor-open)
" auto reconnect
autocmd BufReadCmd mstdn://* call timer_start(1500, {-> mstdn#timeline#reconnect_all()}, #{repeat: -1})

How to use


First, you have to log in to the server by calling the function mstdn#user#login().

:call mstdn#user#login("mstdn.jp", "uve5PPpXih64o_hdOvFOEWqTP90m4QY0QokrHt3L9uar0_Ww")

(Confidential information is stored in plain text in the cache directory. Caution.)


All you need to do is :edit the URL listed below after logging in:

URL Timeline
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/home home timeline
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/public global timeline
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/public/media global media timeline
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/public/tag/:hashtag global hashtag timeline
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/local local timeline
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/local/media local media timeline
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/local/tag/:hashtag local hashtag timeline
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/remote remote timeline
mstdn://[username]@[serveraddr]/remote/media remote media timeline


I recommend to use mstdn-editor.vim. Or you can create posting system using API.

For example, you can post Hello, world! in this way:

:call mstdn#request#post("alice@mstdn.jp", #{status: "Hello, world!"})

The second argument is the dictionary of the Form Data Parameters.

Image preview

If you want to preview an image, you can get the image data formatted in SIXEL. You can display the image by outputting the SIXEL string with echoraw, etc. on a SIXEL compatible terminal (iTerm 2, Wezterm, etc.).

First, you need to install denops-sixel-view.vim and set up the configuration.

" Install denops-sixel-view
call dein#add("gw31415/denops-sixel-view.vim")

const s:FONTHEIGHT = 14
const s:RETINA_SCALE = 2

" b:img_index holds how many images are currently displayed

function s:clear() abort
  if exists('b:img_index')
    unlet b:img_index
  call sixel_view#clear()

function s:preview_cur_img(next) abort
  " Multiplier Calculation
  let ww = winwidth('.')
  let wh = winheight('.')
  let maxWidth = ww * s:FONTWIDTH / 2 * s:RETINA_SCALE
  let maxHeight = wh * s:FONTHEIGHT / 2 * s:RETINA_SCALE

  " Extract image URL
  let imgs = mstdn#timeline#status()['mediaAttachments']
      \ ->filter({_, v -> v['type'] == 'image'})
  if len(imgs) == 0
    lua vim.notify("No image found", vim.log.levels.ERROR)

  " Update index of images
  " Loop by taking the remainder of b:img_index divided by the number of images
  if !exists('b:img_index')
    let b:img_index = 0
    let b:img_index = b:img_index + a:next
  let index = b:img_index % len(imgs)
  if index < 0
    let index = len(imgs) + index

  let key = 'preview_url' " or 'url'
  let url = imgs[index][key]
  " Show Image
  call sixel_view#view(url, #{maxWidth: maxWidth, maxHeight: maxHeight}, 0, 0)
  " Close the image by moving the cursor
  au CursorMoved,CursorMovedI,BufLeave <buffer> ++once call s:clear()

Then, you can map the keybinds.

nn <buffer> <ESC> <ESC><cmd>call <SID>clear()<cr>
nn <buffer> <C-k> <cmd>call <SID>preview_cur_img(-1)<cr>
nn <buffer> <C-j> <cmd>call <SID>preview_cur_img(+1)<cr>


Read the doc.